Chapter 23- What Have You Done?

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Eren's POV

1 Month Later

I have been living with Levi for about a month now. It has been amazing. My Mum's meeting with the investors went really well. They loved her idea and immediately gave her their support. She now runs a successful firm called 'C&E Law Firm', which stands for Carla & Eren. I graduated from College with flying colours and my Mum employed me as a Lawyer. I'm so grateful to her. Levi is still working at the school, teaching French. All of Levi and I's friends got married to their mates. We went to all 7 weddings (Mikasa & Annie, Armin & Erwin, Connie & Sasha, Ymir & Krista, Reiner & Bertoldt, Eld & Gunter, Mike & Nanaba). Hanji keeps bugging Levi to propose to me and I just laugh and tell her to stop, but deep down inside I'm starting to get suspicious.

It all started just over a week ago. All my friends getting married and Levi and I are the only ones who are not. It's making me feel really depressed. We make plans for dates and always comes up with excuses like 'I have a meeting so I can't make it.' Or 'I have papers to mark.' He also comes home late some days and we don't have sex much anymore. Every time I try to get him in the mood he just pushes me off and says he's too tired. Getting ignored and pushed away by a mate takes a toll on an Omega. I started smoking again, heavily. I don't went Levi is home but when he is out I do.

I talked to Hanji about Levi and she told me not to worry. I have been becoming great friends with Mary, Jaden and his mate Taylor. I'm on my way to get coffee with them. Levi is coming later. I walk into to the Titan Café and order a coffee. The lady gives me my drink and I pay her. I spot my friends already sitting down. I walk over and Jaden spots me. He runs to me and hugs my leg.

''Hi Dad!'' I ruffle his hair and smile. He grabs my hand and leads me to their table. I wave to Mary and Taylor.

''Hi Eren.''

''Hey Mary. Hello Taylor.'' He smiles at me and Jaden sits next to him, I sit across from the two and next to Mary. The two boys were busy talking to each other and I was looking into my coffee. I must have had a sad look because Mary gave me a concerned look.

''You okay Eren?'' I snapped out of my trance and gave her a sad smile.

''Just had a stressful week.'' I sighed and she smiled at me.

''You can talk to me.'' She turned to Taylor and Jaden. ''Boys how about you go play in the playground outside?'' The two boys smiled and ran outside.

''Eren talk to me.'' I put my head in my hands.

''I might be overreacting but something is going on with Levi. He's acting really suspicious. He keeps cancelling dates, coming home late and he pushes me away when I try to get him in the mood.'' She hugged me.

''That sounds horrible. I hope Levi isn't doing what I think. I hope he's just doing it by accident.''

''Yeah... I hope too. I love him so much I couldn't bear it if he was cheating or if he didn't love me anymore.''

''Don't think like that Eren. Maybe you should talk to him.'' She smiled at me.


''Where is he now?''

''He's food shopping he is coming here soon.''

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I looked out the window and saw Levi being hugged by Jaden. He looked up to us and smiled waving. I looked down and Mary waved. They walked back in and Levi sat next to me. He kissed me on the cheek.

''What's wrong Baby?'' I didn't look at him.

''Nothing.'' He could tell I wasn't fine but I guess he didn't want to pry. Jaden saw me giving Levi the cold shoulder.

''What's wrong Dad? Why aren't you talking to Levi like normal?'' My eyes widened and I shook my head. I stood up.

''Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom.'' Everyone gave me a confused look. I ignored them and walked to the bathroom. I started to feel light headed and suddenly I felt all energy leave my body and I collapsed to black.

Levi's POV

Eren is acting weird. He gave me the cold shoulder and now he's just getting up and leaving. He completely ignored Jaden's question. I watched him as he walked away. He started to wobble and I went pale as my mate collapsed to the floor. I bolted up and ran to him. I cradled him in my arms and shouted his name.

''Eren! Please wake up! Shit!'' I checked his pulse it was barely there. Mary, Jaden, Taylor and some staff ran over to help. Mary was calling an ambulance and Jaden was crying while holding Eren's hand, Taylor was comforting him. Eren's face was pale and he was hardly breathing. I heard the sirens but I just kept staring at Eren's face.

Someone tapped my shoulder but I ignored them, but they continued. I growled and turned to a lady in a paramedic uniform.

''Sir could you please move so I can check on the patient?'' I was about to shout at her but Mary put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head. I backed up and the lady checked up on Eren.

''He's unconscious. We're gonna have to take him to a hospital.'' Two guys with a stretcher came in and put Eren on it. We all followed them to the ambulance but the woman stopped us.

''Only one person is allowed in with him.'' I was about to say it would be me but Mary stood in front of me.

''I'll go with him.'' I growled at her and she smacked my head.

''Levi you take Jaden and Taylor to the hospital in your car. I'm going with Eren.''

''He's MY mate.'' I released my threatening scent and she shook her head.

''Levi that may work on Eren but it will not work on me. You wanna know why Eren gave you the cold shoulder? Because you're being a piece of shit and ignoring him, cancelling on him constantly and pushing him away for over a week now! He has every right to be suspicious of you right now so I am not letting you into that ambulance with him.'' She walked into the ambulance and they drove off. I stood there shocked with tears in my eyes.

I thought back on my actions this past week. I have been doing everything Mary was saying. But not for the reasons they think. Jaden pulled on my sleeve. I looked down at him.

''Why are you crying Levi?'' I wiped my eyes and smiled at him.

''I have been a terrible mate to Eren recently and your Mother just made me realise that.'' I looked down.

''You're not a terrible mate Levi! You just made some mistakes. I'm sure Dad will forgive you.'' I smiled at him.

''I hope so... Let's go.''

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