reason to believe pt. 1

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Ellie's POV:
   I'm walking down the street holding his little hand.
Jackson: Mommy?
Ellie: Yes baby?
Jackson: Can we go to the toy store?
Ellie: Isn't that your and daddy's thing?
Jackson: Daddy takes me and get me anything I want, I want you to pick out what I get.
Ellie: Okay baby, lets go.
We walk to the store and go down this one isle when this little girl runs into Jackson.
Jackson: Ow
The girl just fell over, she didn't cry or anything but fell. Then this man came running over, who at first I didn't recognize. The one and only Tony DiNozzo.
Tony: I'm sorry... wait Ellie?
Ellie: Hey Tony.
Tony: Is this your kid?
Ellie: Yeah.
Jackson: Mommy? Who is this?
Ellie: This would be Uncle Tony to you, Jax.
Jackson: Hello Uncle Tony. *waves*
Tony: Hello buddy.
Tali: Abba?
Tony: Yes Tali?
Tali: Who's this?
Tony: Aunt Ellie.
Tali: Hello... Aunt Ellie?
Ellie: Yes Tali. *smiles*
Tony: Who did you marry?
Ellie: Umm, well ya know how I told you about Nick?
Tony: Yeah.
Ellie: We got married 2 years ago.
Tony: I'm happy for you Ellie.
Ellie: Thanks. She's so big!
Tony: I know. *sigh* She looks more and more like her mom everyday.
Ellie: She would be proud of you Tony.
Tony: Thanks.
Ellie: What brings you back here?
Tony: I wanted to come back and see what I'm missing. I was gonna stop by NCIS.
Ellie: Wanna come with me? Nick would like to meet you, and Jackson would like to play with Tali.
Tony: I've got nowhere else to go, so sure.
Ellie: Let me get this stuffed animal for Jackson and we'll be outta here.
I got the stuffed animal and we walked to Nick and my house. We walked in and Nick was on the couch holding Ava.
Ellie: Jackson, go play with Tali in the toy room.
Jackson: Okay Mommy
They walk into the toy room and Tony and I walk into the living room.
Ellie: Hey Babe *kiss*
Nick: Hey Ells. Who's this?
Ellie: This is an old co-worker. Tony meet Nick, my husband and the Agent who came when you went.
Tony: Nice to meet you Nick.
Nick: Nice to meet you too.
Ellie: Here babe, I'll take Ava.
I grabbed Ava and took her to the kitchen while the boys talked. I took Tali and Jackson some crackers to snack on and went back.
Tony: Tali is my daughter.
Nick: So let me get this straight. You went to Israel to get Ziva, she didn't want to leave?
Tony: She was pregnant when we said goodbye on the tarmac, then 3 years later she died in a fire and I found out I had Tali.
Ellie: She was something special.
Tony: She really was.
Then the doorbell rang. I went and got it with Ava still in my arms.
Ellie: Hello?
Agent: We need you, Torres, and DiNozzo at HQ now.
Ellie: Nick, Tony, grab the kids and come here!
They grabbed the toddlers and came.
Agent: We've found something out about Ziva David.
Tony: What?
Agent: We have reason to believe she's still alive. We need all Agents in the office searching now!
Nick: I'll call Gibbs in the car. Let's go.

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