reason to believe pt. 2

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Ellie's POV:
We got into the car and drove toward the office. Nick called Gibbs and he confirmed. When we got there the kids went down to Abby.
McGee: So Ziva is possibly still alive.
Gibbs: She was seen on a video last week released by terrorists.
Tony: So she's a prisoner?
McGee: That's our belief.
Ellie: I'll coordinate with FBI
Nick: I'll search the database for anything from fingerprints to facial recognition
McGee: I'll coordinate with CIA
Gibbs: Tony help McGee, the CIA is tricky. I'll do Homeland.
We get in that and within the hour Tony gets a phone call on his cell. McGee tracked it.
Tony: DiNozzo
Terrorist: Finally you've figured it out. We have your beloved ninja in our custody, 5 million in cash by 20:00 tonight! I'll call you back with the location.
McGee: God Dammit!
Ellie: Anything?
McGee: 5 mile radius in Alexandria.
We sent agents to guard the perimeter of Alexandria and we searched more. Then they called again.
Terrorist: You have the money??
Tony: I want to talk to her!
Terrorist: You can't.
Tony: I can, I'm talking right now.
Terrorist: 2 minutes.
Ziva: T-Tony?!
Tony: I'm here Zi, tell me where you are?'
Ziva: I'm in some black cell, I've been here for months.
Tony: It's been 10 years babe.
Ziva: I was in hiding, I'll explain if I get out. Is McGee...
McGee: I got it!
Tony: Well be there soon David. *smiles*
We grab our gear and go to the building.
All: NCIS!!
Tony: On the ground!!
Gibbs: Down Down Down!!
Nick: Hands in the air!!
Ellie: I found her!!
Ziva: Bishop?
Ellie: It's me Ziva, I'm here.
Ziva: Can you untie me?
Ellie: That's what I came to do.
Tony: Zi!
Ziva: Hello Tony *smiles*
Tony: May I?
Ziva: Yes. *kiss* How's Tali?
Tony: She misses you, but she's happy.
Ziva: I want to see my baby.
Tony: Lets go, you'll see her soon.
We leave and go back to HQ where we meet in Abby's Lab.
Tali: Ima!! Ima Ima!! *hugs*
Ziva: Shalom Tali! *laughs*
Tony: She missed you.
Ziva: I missed her... and you.
Nick picked up Ava and Jackson ran over to me. Our whole family was gathered in one room, minus Delilah and the twins.
Abby: SMILE!
Nick: Why?!
Abby: It's a pretty picture Nick! Just smile.
Nick: Chill Abbs, just a question. *snaps pic*
Nick handed Ava to me and he picked up Jackson.
Sloane: I have something to say...
Gibbs: Welcome to the family Jack. *kiss*

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