**A Surprise guest**

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Soonyoung POV
"Why.........why is he......so.....fREAKIN CUTE??!!?" Soonyoung screams as his friend Seungkwan shows him a picture of the new student.
Soonyoung was looking at the picture that
Seungkwan was showing him. The picture showed a fair skinned boy, with beautiful blond hair, and a smile that could give him a heart attack.
He looked over the boys profile :

Birth Name : Lee Jihoon
Date of Birth : November 22, 1996
Age : 21
Height : 165 cm ( 5'5 )
Weight : 54 kg ( 119lbs )

Soonyoung almost died after reading the boys Height. He walked over to the doorframe of his room and pretended to measure Jihoon's height against the door. As if the short blond male was standing right next to him.

" He's cute, AND SHORT!!!!!!! " he squealed.
He looked at Seungkwan with a bright and excited puppy-like smile. His friend rolled his eyes and laughed.

" Honestly " Seungkwan started. " You haven't even met the guy yet, and you're already acting like you're about to plan each other's wedding. "
Soonyoung snapped out of thought and glared at Seungkwan.

" Really huh? I didn't say anything when you did the exact same thing with Hansol, and look at you two now! Dating, boom " Soonyoung sassily replied.

Seungkwan was a little shocked, but not really since him and his boyfriend Hansol were cuddling under a warm blanket as he was talking to Soonyoung.
" Mmmm...baby, stop talking and cuddle with meeeeeeee " a sleepy Hansol replied with a husky voice as he poked his head out from under the warm blanket.

Soonyoung laughed, then walked out of his friends Dorm room to go back to his.
As Soonyoung walked back to his Dorm
( School Dorms ).

He noticed that the door to his room was sightly open. He swore he closed and locked the door before he left. Soonyoung walked over to the door and pushed it open. Getting into a
"Fighting" stance.

He walked into the house and saw that his entire kitchen, living room, and hallway was spotless and cleaner than ever!

We wondered why it was so clean. Until he heard a small whimper coming from the guest room.
( there were separate two rooms in the dorm, Soonyoung use the spare one for storage / guests )

He opened the door and saw a small boy on the floor. The boy was sitting on the floor holding a suitcase, sucking on his finger. There was a broken glass picture frame on the floor.

Without thinking, Soonyoung rushes over and picked up the boy and sat him on the bed that was in the room.

" Oh gosh, a-are you okay?!! " Soonyoung said with a worried voice.

" y-yeah, I'm just a little clumsy... Thank you for the help though " the boy said.

" My name is Kwon Soonyoung, and mind me asking... what the heck are you doing in my Dorm? " Soonyoung said, trying not to sound rude.

The boy stayed quiet for a bit until the sentence that left his mouth shocked Soonyoung.

" I'm sorry, but my name is Jihoon. Lee Jihoon, I'm new here and my Student Schedule said that I'm sharing this Dorm with you. My apologies for intruding "

As he looked at the cut on the boys finger, his eyes slowly looked at his face. In shock, he stared at the boy. It was him. It was " Him ".

The boy that he was squealing over not to long ago.
Lee Jihoon was in his room, touching his hand, and his eyes being three inches from his face.

" S-Soonyoung... " Jihoon said with a soft innocent voice.

The taller blushed as he heard his name slip from the boys mouth.

" Soonyoung... " the smaller repeated.

" Y-yes " he replied

Jihoon put his small hand on Soonyoung's chest and pushed him off the bed.

The taller blushed and apologize probably a billion times.

" It's okay, but I should go take care of this mess. Thank you for helping me with my cut. " Jihoon said.

Soonyoung watched the boy walk into the bathroom. And with that, he walked over to his room.


He pulls out his phone and goes to his messages :

To Seungkwan : You will not BELIEVE what just happened to me!!!!!!

To be Continued.........

hEy gUyszzzzzz, I just wanna say that I'm SOOOO SORRYYYYYY😣😣😣😣😣
I ran out of ideas for the other story,
" Overwhelmed by confusing Love " and I got so caught up in school that I was never able to continue it. And by the time I was free to write / continue the story.
I kinda, sorta maybe erased all of my planes out chapters for that fanfic by accident while I was deleting old ELA Essays.......... IM SORRY😣😖😔
But I promise that I will keep up with this Fanfic, I'm really good with SoonHoon Topics too! So hopefully I don't go nuts with this one.
- Author SmolWriter

P.S. - I will try to update chapters ASAP, no specific Update days or times. I will just Update chapters whenever I have the time
( I will keep the chapter update spacing to a maximum of 3–5 days )

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