**A Playboy's Winning Prize**

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Just a heads up, this is going to be a pretty short chapter so bare with me😅😓😪.


The school day was just as Soonyoung had expected. The schools Playboy had found a new toy to play with. And of all people, it had to be Lee Jihoon.

He tried, yet he failed.

Soonyoung watched as he saw the new couple walk through the halls. Students spreading the word about them.

As much as the school glorified their new relationship, each and every student knew how it was going to play out. Every student except for Jihoon.

Soonyoung used to be like Seungcheol.
A sneaky little Playboy. Picking off of every victim he could.

He usually played small games with Seungcheol. Like, 'Who can get him before midnight' or
'Who can get the first date' type of games. Pretty stupid now that he remembers it.

But once Soonyoung realized what he was doing. Using all these people for his enjoyment, then leaving them a mess. He couldn't live with himself know that's the kind of person the world would define him as. Just another Playboy.

He ended all this mess when the last 'toy' him and Seungcheol played with ended up in the Crazy House. Turns out that he went so hard on the poor toy that when he left him, he suffered a huge development of depression. Then later an eating disorder.

He never realized how much pain he caused to so many people. So he quit.

Though, he couldn't say the same for Seungcheol. The older couldn't care more of less about what he did, or who he did it with. He had what some called, a 'One Track Mind'. He'll do this, and he'll plan on doing it without drifting off into something else. If he wanted something, he knew damn well that he would do anything to get it.

He stopped hanging out with him after that. They never hated each other. But they never talked.

Sure there were small, 'Hello's or 'Goodmorning's
But that was about it.

Until now. Seungcheol dragged the dancer into a game that he didn't want to play.

And for once in his life, out of all the games he won against Seungcheol, he managed to win this one.

And it was the one game he didn't want to lose.

**Time Skip**

Soonyoung sat in the small living room in the dorm. Thinking.

He was listening to music at the time. His earbuds blocking out the world. Separating his mind from the outside.

The older felt a tug on his earbud, slightly annoying him. He looked up to see Jihoon with is big doe eyes staring at him.

Soonyoung stopped his music and looked up at Jihoon. " Yes? " he said.

" Sorry for bothering you.... I just wanted you to know that I'm going out with Seungcheol tonight, so I won't need any dinner " the smaller said with a bright smile.

" And also— " the smaller was cut off.

" yeah yeah I know, you won't be home until 10-11 pm "

Jihoon started at the taller in shock.
" W-Who told you that? "

Soonyoung turned around raising an eyebrow.
" I don't know, I just assumed that's what you were going to do since that's the exact same thing you told me yesterday. And the day before that, and the entire week before that. "

Jihoon felt small, hearing that response, has he really been hanging out with Seungcheol that much?

" Well, that and I also hear from a very angry Yoon Jeonghan that you two were going on another date so yeah, "

Jihoon blushed, He already knew who Jeonghan was and he already knew that he dated Seungcheol. But he didn't care.

" w-well okay then, I'll see ya later. "

" sure " Soonyoung replied in a careless tone.

As Jihoon stands at the door, he takes a small glance at Soonyoung. Then leaves. Leaving Soonyoung in the exact same way he was before.

Alone, in a quiet dorm, by himself.


I'm sorry for the short chapter😓😓😓
I've been really backed up on school lately and I haven't had much time to make long and detailed chapters.
It I really hope this one was okay, despite it short length.......



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