**Slapped by Reality*

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Jihoon never knew it would end like that. He never knew that it felt this bad.

Out of all the relationships he's ever been in, this one hurt, and it hurt like a bitch.

He was more than upset, he was heartbroken. Seungcheol broke up with him, and to make matters even more depressing, he did it on Christmas Eve.

Jihoon ran out of the dorm that he shared with Seungcheol and into that halls. Crying his heart out.

The boy cried, he felt like he couldn't control his breathing due to his hyperventilating.

He didn't know where to go. Until it came to him. He knew exactly where to go, and quite possibly the ONLY other place he could go.

To Soonyoung.

The smaller began to walk to Soonyoung's dorm, which used to be the dorm that they shared until he moved out.

Jihoon had chills and was nervous when he stood in front of his door.

He knew Soonyoung wouldn't want to see him, or at least, that's what he told himself. More tears rolled down his face as flashbacks of their past argument teased his thoughts. And to be honest, Jihoon was actually a little scared to see Soonyoung again.

One reason being that he wouldn't be able to control his tears in front of him.

And the last reason being that, he wasn't going to be looking at the Soonyoung he used to know.

The new Soonyoung that would answer the door wouldn't have a brighting smile on his face. The new Soonyoung wouldn't have a cheerful tone of voice. The new Soonyoung was a man who scared him, because Jihoon knew one thing;

The Soonyoung he would see, would be a poor broken soul that he created out of his own self ignorance and stupidity. A monster of his own making.

Jihoon looked at the door and closed his eyes as he knocked on the door.

The door opened.

" Oh! Hello there Jihoon! Marry Christmas Eve! It's been so long— hey..... are you okay? "

Jihoon stared at the male in front of him.

" H-hi Jeonghan Hyung......where is S-Soonyoung? "

Jihoon slightly choked on his own sob when he mentioned Soonyoung's name. It still broke his heart to think about him.

Jeonghan cupped Jihoon's face as pulled him into a hug. " Come on in, I'll make you some tea "

A small smile had grown on Jihoon's face as he watch his caring hyung make him some tea.

Jeonghan walked over with the tea and handed it to Jihoon, who took a sip and set the cup down on the floor.

" Come here, poor thing " Jeonghan said as he patted his lap. Signaling Jihoon to put his head down on his lap. Which Jihoon willingly did.

Jihoon sniffled and he rested his head on Jeonghan's lap while the older brushed his fingers through the smallers blond hair.

" Jihoon " The older stared. " I want you to tell me everything that happened "

Jihoon paused. He didn't know if he want to tell Jeonghan that he broke up with Seungcheol. His first reason being that he didn't know if he could survive the story. And his second reason being that he didn't know if it would be comfortable for Jeonghan, since Jeonghan is also an Ex Of Seungcheol.

But the smaller knew that if he didn't tell him now, he would bug him to tell him, or go into 'Investigation-Mode'

" I broke up with Seungcheol... "

Jeonghan looked furious. He genuinely felt bad for Jihoon.

Jeonghan started yelling

" Jeonghan, please stop yelling, it's too early for yelling— "

" Hello Soonyoung... "

Soonyoung had woken up due to Jeonghan's yelling and saw none other than Lee Jihoon. He was the first thing he saw, but his expression didn't change.

" Hello there Jihoon. Jeonghan, what is he doing here? " Soonyoung said with a monotoned voice. Not making eye contact with Jihoon.

Jeonghan got up and whispered the 'situation' into Soonyoung's ear. A small sigh leaving Soonyoung's mouth.

Soonyoung signaled Jihoon to follow him as the two walked into Jihoon's old room.

The two sat on the bed, not making eye contact.

Jihoon covered his face and spoke.
" ........you were right.... "

Soonyoung scoffed, " I know "

Jihoon felt more tears fall down his face.
" I s-should have l-listened to you..... " the smaller said as his voice cracked when he began to cry.

" yeah, you should have " Soonyoung said. Not caring. At least, that what Jihoon thought.

Jihoon was taken back by Soonyoung's response, he expected to hear something like that, but actually hearing it was a lot worse than he imagined.

Soonyoung stood up and walked out of the room to sit on the living room couch.

Jeonghan had left for a Christmas party with Soonyoung's friend Joshua. So it was just Soonyoung and Jihoon.

Jihoon tried taking and apologizing to Soonyoung, but he wouldn't budge.

The boy sat in front of the small tree that was in the dorm room. Staring at the lights and ornaments.

Soonyoung stood up as he started getting a coat on.
" I hope you have some family to go to tomorrow, I'm not going to be here all day. "

Jihoon turned around, looking at Soonyoung.
" what do you mean?... You're not staying here for Christmas Eve? "

Soonyoung zipped his coat and grabbed his keys and started walking to the door.
" No. I'm visiting family, but I'll be back before night. You should go to your family, spend time with them.... you'll feel better "

Jihoon turned around and looked at the tree with disappointment. " okay.... "

Jihoon heard the front door close.

Soonyoung had left.

As much as Jihoon wanted to do what Soonyoung suggested, he couldn't.

He didn't have any family left to go to. His parents died in a car crash when 2 weeks before he attended the University.

His siblings all lived in different parts of the world.

So he was stuck at the dorm, all alone, on Christmas Eve.

I feel like this was a bittersweet chapter

Bitter sadness

And pure sweet Mother Jeonghan-ness Lol.

I know, it was weird. And properly a bad chapter. But yeeeeeeee

Also, I apologize for making anyone cry in any of my previous chapters.

Oh and heads up, there are 4 MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!!!!!!!!
oh and DOUBLE heads up, I DOUBLE apologize for making anyone cry in my next two chapters.

But anyways, ye

Can you keep a secret? ( SVT SoonHoon Fanfic ) **ending is Oneshots**Where stories live. Discover now