Where 5

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Hebrews 13:2
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
A voice I hear, a distant voice of a hurtful deceit? I do not know.

A word it says, a distant word of great pain? I do not know.

A definition it bears, a definition so complex that not even the greatest of minds can break me.

What am I?

The morning went as usual. My food was on the table but my parents were nowhere to be seen. Before I was outed we all set down to eat as one big happy family but now we are scattered each morning, no doubt trying to miss each other. Awkwardness has become the norm of this household. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that.

After eating the scrumptious pancakes, I continued with my shower and teeth. I put on my eyes and am now ready for life's adventures.


Someone was knocking on my bedroom door.

"Please open up Richard! Please." It was a pleading voice, a hurt voice. It belonged to Marie. Why was Marie upset? Before I could tell her no the door flung open revealing a girl who looked like she hasn't slept in 3 weeks.

"I dumped him, Richard, I dumped him. He stole my phone and sent the pictures to your parents." She then fell to her knees and latched onto my feet and started to sob uncontrollably.

"You're saying your boyfriend sent the pictures to my parents, not you?" Swallowing tears and emotions She nodded carefully.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I was skeptical. After being outed, I realized that people are just basic bags of meat, that is made up of lies, deceit, apathy, and just a hint of love.
Tears can fool any person, therefore, I will not let myself be hurt by such again.

"Do you remember when we first met on the playground so long ago?"


"Tommy Becker stole your G.I. Joe that your grandfather gifted you."

"Yes, I remember"

"I was walking on the playground and see you under the treehouse hugging your shoulders, you had a busted lip and silent tears were running down your cheeks. I comforted you, I let you cry on my shoulders. I knew then you were special, that you were different than the other boys, you care for all. You have a heart of gold. That I'm jealous of, I always knew about you and I love you all the same, please believe me, please." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

By this time tears were running down my face as well, I grabbed my face to control them but failed miserably. I fell to my knees as well and hugged Marie tightly. "I remember, you were always there for me." She has always been there for me. Now that I think of it. She's been there to comfort me. She was there when my first made up girlfriend broke up with me, when my grandfather died, when my dog died, and when her dog died, I loved the thing more than she did.
We hugged and comforted each other until the tears stopped but a smile was pecking my lips.

"You knew I was gay the entire time?" She smiled and nodded.
"Well, when you're arguing with me over which Sprouse twin is the cutest you get an idea." My smile widened as did hers and we burst into uncontrollable laughter. It feels good to give forgiveness. Especially if they're awesome.
My morning was made after me and my friend reconciled, I knew that it would come but I was dreading it badly. Both of our parents were busy with work, therefore, we decided to play a risky game of hookey. Which I and she did every so often, just to take a break and enjoy life. Both of our parents were gone on business trips so It didn't matter.
We always loved playing video games together. I've seen Marie outplay most of the guys I know. She is what you call an awesome girl nerd. She can play just about anything and everything and make the highest score doing it too.

We were knee-deep in playing GTA 5 when I heard knocking at the front door. It was unusual since everyone I know was at work. And all my friends avoid me like the plague since they found out about my orientation. I headed downstairs and looked through the peak-hole. Who I saw stunned me, it was my brother's sister. My mother has been married thrice and has had children with all three men. I'm the third child. My brother's names are Henry, Jackson, and Then me. It was Henry's sister, the spawn of Henry's father. I had no idea why she would come knocking on my door, she always hated my guts with a fierce passion. I decided to ignore her and go back upstairs but was stopped when I heard keys and the door unlock.

"Now, now hold your fucking horses, I was invited over by your parents to babysit your gay ass."
"They did what!?"
"They called me over to babysit you and make sure you're not doing gay stuff" she began to hysterically laugh like a demon. "I would never have thought sweet and oh so innocent you would be gay." More demon laughter.
"Oh God, I think I'm gonna--" fake puke noises.
"Be a good dear and get me a glass of water. You can be my slave since your playing hookey and all." She said with a devilish smile. I was pissed off by her presence. The she-demon has always hated me and I her. Her being here is a great pain in the butt and will be more so since she knows I'm gay.

She looked toward me and said to herself. "This is going to be super fun."

Bonny EloiseWhere stories live. Discover now