The 6

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Romans 5:1-11
"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us...."
"So what's the mechanics of gay sex? Are you the bitch or the daddy?" Sarah the she-demon asked nonchalantly.
"Fuck off"
"Awww, the good ol' conservative Christian boy is acting all grown up with his fancy f-words," she said mockingly.

Marie obviously felt the tension between me and Sarah and tried to change the subject "So I scored 100% on my literature test, Ms. Stuart said that if I keep that up I might be a famous online writer someday."

"That old coup is still alive, what is she, 95...96"
"91" I corrected her.
"Oh, well back to my questions slave boy. Are you the giver or the receiver?" She sat on the couch holding a bowl of popcorn in her hands looking anxiously at me like she was watching an awesome movie.
"Stop, making fun of me. You're just doing this because you hate me. Look, Sarah, don't you have a boyfriend or something that requires your attention?" I said as I rose from the couch.
"I am not making fun of you. I am actually curious as to how you take it. To be honest, I thought we were going to get married in a few years but cute boys like dick so.."
I slammed the wall. "Please, for the love of God, please stop. The thought... Wait! You--you--you dreamt about... Us?" Richard then broke into a horrible laughter leaving Marie and Sarah looking somewhat confused.

"I knew it, you owe me, 50$ Marie, I think our little Richie Rich has actually gone off the deep end," Sarah said with a blank face. After a moment of thought, the realization of it came to my mind.
"Wait, are you and the she-demon... Friends?" I asked inquisitively.
Marie stood still like a deer caught in headlights. I knew what I was doing was a little cruel putting her in the spotlight like that but I was furious at the time.
"And how does the nature of our relationship concern you? For all you know we created a silly bet. And why do you hate me so much?" Sarah started. Marie looked relieved that Sarah butted in. Marie looked almost.. bashful? No. Scared? No. Nervous? Yes. She looks nervous for some reason which is unusual. Marie is headstrong and largely independent. I must've really messed up to make her nervous.
"Marie, did I say something? I booted into Sarah's speech. Sarah simultaneously looked Marie's way almost as if she was worried. Sarah was worried about Marie?

Marie seeing that she had to speak "I am fine, don't worry about me." She said with a nervous chuckle. Something was off though and I couldn't place it.
After a week my parents came back and Sarah left. I have never been more thankful to see my parent's vehicle pull into the driveway, ever. I literally bounced with joy. My fathers face looked rough and tired which was not unusual after such a long trip, but this time it was different. It looked different there was a certainly hidden pain writ on his face. It broke my heart to think that I am the cause of the pain. I have not seen his happy face for a while now. That face would give me comfort and strength in times of my distress. I can recall a time from long ago, I was four and just learning to ride my bike. My father was there with me all the way.
"You're doing it son."
"Please daddy, don't let go."
"C'mon you got it."
My mother was on the from porch cheering me on.

My mother still looked the same as ever. A beautiful woman. She looks more tired than aged now. I would wake up in the morning times and fresh pancakes, waffles, hash browns, and eggs would be cooked. When I was little she used to tuck me in at night and tickle me till I cried. Fun times they were but now I disgust them. I wish that they could see that I am still the same mischievous boy they once knew.
"What the fuck ya looking at fag?" My father's voice jolted me.
There was a certain hatred in his words that made me feel empty inside, with the only comfort being God. The Bible never said you can't become depressed but it did say you have to move on, even though that's extremely difficult to do sometimes. One some things It'll be very difficult to forgive my father. He has broken not only my trust for him but also my heart. It hurts worse knowing that he thinks I'm disgusting, that he loves me less now, it's painful. I'm worn out.

"N..nothing I'll go now," I said with a small nervous stutter.
"Good," my father said.

I wasn't welcome home until my father was in bed which would be a few hours. It was raining outside, Marie was out of town, and Ms. Stuart was at a quilting convention. The only other place I knew was a diner about a mile from my home. The place serves excellent breakfast, nothing comparable to my mom's but its still delicious. It was early winter and the temperature was quickly falling in the cold rain. I was soaked in water from head to toe and freezing by the time I made it to the diner. I could nearly move my hand I was shaking so bad. I managed to grip and pull the door open. My entire body twitched by the breeze of warm air that hit me and the smell of soup. I walked into the building no doubt with a confused look on my face. I was startled when I heard the older who manned the register speak.
"Just take a seat anywhere Kyle will be with you in just a moment. Oh, and please leave your shoes by the door." I did as asked and took my shoes off and found a seat. I sat in the far corner away from everyone else. I just wanted to be alone.

My sad gloomy eyes were caught by something that can only be described as handsomely beautiful. A handsome  man was walking toward me. His skin was goldenly white, his hair was jet black, and his eyes a light blue. His lips looked delicious and devilish. He was one of the finest specimens I've ever seen.
I wondered if he was new, I've never seen him around town before.

"Hi, my name is Kyle I'll be your server this evening. Would you like anything to drink?"
"Sweet tea please."
"Sorry but we're sold out." Hmmm, sweet tea has always been a favorite of mine. A favorite of everyone in the south. It's easy to make and oh so delicious. Since they didn't have it there was only one other option.
"How about a coke."
"One coke coming up, I'll let you look at the menu.

I looked back over at him and watched his ass. It was built like a bubble, perfect for squeezing. I developed an immediate boner, that wasn't good especially since my clothes were wet.

After two or three minutes he came back with my coke.
" would you like to order or do you still need a few more minutes?" He asked with his soft and delicate voice.

"I--I--would like the potato casserole with a side of poly sausage," I said nervously.
He gave me a wink and said. "It'll be right out." What a stud.

My eyes caught another sight. The she-demon. I must've not been well hidden because when I looked toward her eyes she was staring right back at me. Something, however, was bugging her because she didn't return my horrible look of disgust. Instead of leaving or finding a far away table she started walking toward me. I panicked but could do nothing since there was a rather large stick in my wet pants.
She than sat down across from me "Are you ok?" The she-demon asked.
"Yep," I said rudely. She then looked slightly disappointed.
"What's your problem with me? I have been trying to be kind to you for the last week."
"You're ugly" her smile widened.
"You're gay"humph.
"Yeah, well you're a dyke" she broke into hard laughter causing a smile to come to my face.
Her laughter then calmed and her face softened to a serious one "Has our brother called you yet?"
"No, he's avoided me like the plague," I stated sadly.
"I called him you know."
"Did you tell him to disown me?"
"Ha, ha, ha, No. Quite the opposite. When I heard he disowned you because you're gay I was pissed. I drove straight to his house and cussed him out."
'You M-----Fu----g piece of s--t, you don't treat fu----- people like that. You're a lame excuse of a brother. You think religion excuses you s--t bigotry? Do you? Until you reconcile with your brother, I'm disowning you. You understand?'
"I didn't even let him speak. I was so furious with him. Richard, we might not be related by blood but you're my brother in almost every was possible. I love you as my little brother. I don't hate you."
My heart was racing and my hands lost feeling. I was about to do something I never ever thought doing. I stood up and went to Sarah's booth and hugged her. Crying on her shoulder.
"Yelp, there-there buddy, there-there. Wait..WAIT IS THAT A FUCKING BONER!" She slapped me.

Bonny EloiseWhere stories live. Discover now