Mohawk Gently Glides 7.0

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And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke came forth locusts upon the earth; and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power
One of the several voids I have has been filled. A person I once called a foe is now friend, nay but sister. Sarah the she-demon is my sister.
Over the past three weeks, I and she have been catching up our childhood together and our bond has grown very strong and without pull. I believe Christ has had His hand in this situation. I felt great pain at first but now I am starting to feel happy again. My only wish is that my brother would make contact with me again. I'm still the same teenage boy just a lot more true to myself. But I imagine he holds on to the hope that one day I'll be cured through earnest prayer to God. God, doesn't hate me, I am who I am.
Christmas was fast approaching. The homes of our neighborhood were covered in a white sheet of snow and you could smell snickerdoodle and gingerbread cookies from the bakery all the way in town. What a magical time, we remember the most important aspects of life. The birth of Christ, the gathering of our family, and the gifts we give each other out of love. There were only two gifts for me under the tree. Underwear and a book devoted to Gods wrath for the LGBT+ community. My father went the extra mile for me, one I wish he wouldn't of went. The socks were from my mother. And nothing from my brother, but I expected that. I miss the times when all of us would come together as one big and happy family. But now I fear that it will never happen again. I ruined our relationship only I and I regret it so very much. Sarah and Marie both tell me it's not my fault that my parents and brother are assholes. While that is true I choose to sleep with a complete stranger and how I do regret it. I should've known that a hookup was impossible, stupid.

I decided to take a walk in the snow to clear my head, it's not good to feel sad so close to the holidays. I walk by the homes of people with normal everyday lives. That leaves me to wonder, why can't I be normal? But then I remember, I am beautiful and will always be in the eye of God. I just need to believe.

I was walking for what seemed like forever when my phone went off, it was my brother, Henry. I debated whether to answer or not and finally decided to answer. I put the phone up to my ear and waited for him to talk.
"H-Hello," my brother said.
"Richard if you're there I really need to speak to you. Meet me at the theater in town in about an hour."
My brother called me. I couldn't make out the feelings in his voice.
The trip to the theater was a short distance so I decided to walk. That probably wasn't a good thing considering that I was left to my own thoughts.
The theater is more than 160 years old and very, very large. Initially used as an opera house it was closed down in 1904 and remained closed until the 1950s. The city council had to decide whether to renovate it or tear it down. My grandfather being an alderman, proposed renovating it into a theater, a radical idea at the time. The city council unanimously voted in favor of the bill. They didn't do wrong, the theater is a huge success and a pivotal point of social interaction in the town. The theater holds a restaurant, bookstore, and they even kept two stages open for opera.

I was at the front entrance watching the vapor leave my mouth in the cold air. I prayed to God that I wouldn't be humiliated, or punched, or whatever bad thing that could happen wouldn't happen. I had hope, but my faith was waning.
Before long a familiar face was spotted stepping closer and closer to the theater, a face that I have come to fear.

'Huh? Do you know what time it is?'
'How could you do this, how? We were supposed to bring the gospel to the world not join it.'
'Brother... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but I can't live this lie of me being straight anymore.'
"You broke the trust, my trust. Don't ever, call or speak to me again. I'm praying for your salvation."

"Hey bro" My brother whispered..

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