Chapter 1

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(3rd Person)

Inside the Killa residence, Lydia was standing right in front of a chalkboard wiping away the chalk writing that was on there previously. It appeared she was teaching English considering there were many sentences, some with faults and the rest were perfect. After she wiped the sentences away, she turned around to face the sofa where Mark and (Y/N) sat, (Y/N) with an open notebook and many, many notes in it whereas Mark had only a few in them and was staring at his mother with an expression of boredom.

Lydia: And that does it for today's English lesson boys, hopefully you'll know now how to spot the sublest of mistakes in English sentences now.

Mark: Yeah Mom, thanks for teaching us.

Lydia: No need for thanks little man, I'm always glad to teach you two. After all, you both specifically requested not to join any kind of public school. (Y/N), your reason for not attending is understandable, and Mark... as much as I support you looking out for him, I'm sure (Y/N) doesn't want you ruining any chance for a successful future just for him.

Mark: Heh, well, tough! Whatever happens, I'll never abandon him. (Y/N)'s my best friend, and he's the best friend everyone could wish for. I'd be stupid to let him get away, plus... even if I don't understand your situation personally, I'm always there for ya buddy.

(Y/N) sighed, but nodded his thanks with a wide smile. Lydia couldn't help but throw her son a massive proud smile at seeing how willing he was to make sure he was by his best friend's side all the time, even if that meant it would inconvenience him. The moment however was interrupted by the door slamming open.

???: (Y/N)! Let's go!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they heard the energetic Mina Ashido making her presence known, she skipped over to the sofa, leaning on the back with her chin in her hands as she smiled at the two.

Mina: Hi (Y/N)! Hi Mark!

Mark: Energetic as ever, huh?

(Y/N): 'It's good to see you'.

Mina: Huh?

Mark: Oh, right, forgot you can't understand sign language. He's saying it's good to see you.

Mina: Isn't it!? Because now I'm gonna make sure your boring lesson doesn't get you down, today we have a whole day of fun planned! And you mister are the VIP!

Mark: What about me?

Mina: Meh, you have enough fun when we're not around, as for (Y/N), he can only have fun when his real best friend is around!

At that remark, Mark grew a tick mark. His eyes closed as they twitched along with a forced smile as he slowly stood up, clearly irritated by Mina's claim.

Mark: Really? His real best friend? I find that hard to believe when (Y/N) and I have known each other for almost ten years now...

Mina: Huh? You think being with him for ten years automatically makes him your best friend? Maybe he's tired of being around only you, besides, I bet you from only the two months we've known each other that he and I are way more of best friends than you could ever dream!

Mark: Is that a challenge, Mina Ashido?

Mina: Why don't you try to find out, Mark Killa?

The two butted heads, dark auras coming off them as Lydia merely watched on both with a sweat drop and slight amusement.

Lydia: Uh, (Y/N), dear, would you mind...?

But, (Y/N) had already made his way into the kitchen, fishing out a lollipop from the cupboards causing Lydia to grow an even bigger sweat drop at seeing his blank face look back at her while a lollipop stick was hanging out his mouth. Mark and Mina took notice of (Y/N)'s disappearance and somehow knew he was in the kitchen, the two of them slid in, dark looks on their faces, that made (Y/N) merely turn to them, an expression of confusion as he continuously blinked while having the lollipop in his mouth.

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