Chapter 17

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(3rd Person)

To sum it up in simple words: Karma was so not ready for this, she rose out of the rubble covering her, going wide-eyed at seeing a seething (Y/N) glaring right at her. Once she made herself known, it seemed as though (Y/N) was more alive than ever, dashing off from his spot at impossible speeds, even leaving quite the massive crater in place, next thing she knew, her insides felt almost as terrible as when (Y/N) used his quirk on her, she couldn't look down in time as whatever hit her sent her flying, she even broke the sound barrier three times in a row before feeling something hit her back down to earth.

Karma gasped out in pain, her blood spraying from her mouth, but she couldn't recover as she felt someone grasp her head, squeezing tightly before slamming her into another fake mountain, only for said fake mountain to shatter into dust from the power behind the slam. As Karma tried to look once more, she wasn't prepared for a punch straight to her spine, she could swear a crack was heard before she was once again sent flying breaking the sound barrier a total number of five more times...

Meanwhile, everyone else, even the villains had stopped everything they were doing and were wide-eyed at seeing what they saw in their eyes to be a girl in a black cloak being thrown around, breaking the sound barrier everytime she goes flying and whenever she gets close to being knocked out of the USJ, something hits her again to make sure she stays inside. The only people who were able to catch a glimpse were Sofia, Mark and All Might had to squint his eyes, but he saw (Y/N) appear and attack Karma all the time.

Speaking of Karma, she was now sliding face-first through the floor which stopped when someone stomped on the back of her head, sending her further into the ground before said foot punt kicked her out of the ground and slamming her through the fire dome which had Ojiro inside fighting for his life, he was surprised when he saw someone fly through one side of the dome and through the other... even the thugs stopped suddenly and were staring at the two holes with confusion.

Back to the punching ba- I mean Karma, she's currently breaking another sound barrier causing again everyone to try their best not to get taken off their feet, Karma was lodged into the stairs leading to where Thirteen previously battled the warp gate villain along with the other students, only... Iida wasn't there since earlier he managed to escape and was currently on the way to U.A high to request reinforcements.

Mark: Geez... no one's insulted his scarf in the last three years, so I never thought I'd ever see this.

Eri: (Y/N) doesn't like anyone being mean about his scarf?

Mark: Yep, one bad word, even if it's unintentional, and he'll stop holding back his strength and make sure you regret the words... I... am afraid to admit I accidentally insulted his scarf as well... it's where this came from.

Mark lifts his shirt to reveal what seemed to be a fist-shaped scar on the left side of his chest, Eri went wide-eyed at seeing it, wondering just how strong is (Y/N) to be able to cause such an injury.

Mark: He hit me hard, so hard in fact that he actually punched my left lung out of my body, blew a hole in me that took months to re-stitch, the funny thing is: he didn't even apologise once, just went back to normal the next day as if nothing happened... he may be my best friend, but... he scares me sometimes so I make sure never to piss him off.

They both jumped when Karma was suddenly in front of them, her hands desperately grabbing Mark's leg as she looked up, her face deformed with obvious missing teeth, a barely open eye and the nose so twisted that you'd swear it had done an almost full circle around her face.

Karma: O-ok... I... I love pain... but, even I know when it's too far... so, I know it's a lot to ask... but...

She yelped when she felt her ankle being gripped tightly, she looked back in horror, only to see literal fires in (Y/N)'s eyes while his teeth became pointed.

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