Chapter 15

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(3rd Person)

The villains slowly approached the staircase, causing everyone to be on guard despite their homeroom teacher warning them not to intervene.

Mark: Villains huh? And, at a time when a class was scheduled to be here... could it be possible they got a hold of the information?

Todoroki: Most likely when the press had somehow invaded the school, they probably used that opportunity to gain information about us... including our trip today.

Yaoyorozu: But, shouldn't the intruder alarm system have gone off from them!?

Thirteen: Indeed...

Sofia: That can only mean... our communications are jammed, one of the villains below has a quirk that jams our communications. Tch, this wasn't a stroke of luck for these assholes, they obviously knew we were coming and carefully planned this attack.

Aizawa: If that's the case... Thirteen, try contacting the school, even if you have to get there by foot... now go!

Every student formed into a huddle, staying safely behind Thirteen as Aizawa prepared to take on the villains below, his capture rope beginning to float while he gained a glare behind his goggles... although, there was one who doubted his teacher, not in a mean way, but in a concerned way since he knew all about heroes, therefore he knew Aizawa's weakness as the erasure hero.

Deku: But, Mr Aizawa, you can't take them all on! Your quirk and fighting style is designed for one on one fights, as well as sneak attacks! You're not...

He was instantly interrupted by Aizawa scoffing, clenching his fist which held his capture tape, not even looking at Deku once.

Aizawa: Midoriya... you can't become a pro if you've only got one trick to show everyone.

With that, Aizawa leapt off the top of the stairs, heading straight into where the villains were gathering... meanwhile behind the man with hands all over him, the portal made two more people appear: a massive black skinned bird-like creature with its brain on full display... the other a man who seemed to be the portal user considering the dark portal formed around him to form a man literally made from darkness, his eyes glowing and yellow.

Thirteen: Ok, while Aizawa is distracting everyone, we need to evacuate and call reinforcements, since they're jamming the communications, we'll need to head to U.A on foot, come on!

Everyone followed after the pro hero as ran towards the entrance, even Eri who was clutching tightly onto (Y/N)'s hand while the students all headed towards the doors... unfortunately, it just never is that easy when it comes to being in the same building as villains. The same portal user villain appeared, blocking the entrance while staring everyone down.

???: It's a pleasure to meet you all, we are the league of villains and we apologise for our abrupt entrance... you see, our objective is for the symbol of peace; All Might, to be no more. Now, wouldn't you say this site would be the perfect grave for the number one hero? Though... I do not see All Might among you, did you anticipate this ambush? Either way, I must proceed to play my part in this attack...

He seemed to ready himself for an attack, although Thirteen anticipated it as they opened one of their fingers, ready to use their quirk... had it not been for two students who weren't thinking straight. Both Bakugou and Kirishima charged forward, attacking the villains with their quirks and causing a massive explosion.

Kirishima: Didn't think students like us would beat you down huh!?

Unfortunately, their attack did nothing as the villain appeared to be unharmed, reforming himself while Thirteen realised they couldn't use their quirk if the two boys were in the way... seems the villain recognised this disadvantage too considering he used this opportunity to attack with his quirk.

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