Chapter 16

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(Flashback, 3rd person, first day of U.A high)

Sofia: The... luminescent baby wasn't the first quirk user?

Aizawa: No, the baby is only the first recorded to use a quirk. But, that baby wasn't the first to develop a quirk... that title belongs to a different person, someone whose name was forgotten, even in the history books.

Mark: What?

All Might: He had a name, unfortunately, it was lost in time and therefore, he was known as the nameless master of quirks... or, to be more specific: 'The Father of Quirks'.

Sofia: No way... he exists!?

(Y/N): 'You know him?'

Mark: He's asking if you know him Yuko...

Sofia: Of course I do! It... was a book my mother read to me when I was younger, about the greatest man to ever exist: the Father of Quirks. Said to be born before even humans were around, he was the first to master a quirk, in fact... he had every quirk that ever existed.

Aizawa: Exactly, he is also the reason why quirks even exist today...

(Y/N): 'What do you mean?'

All Might: Young (L/N), not only was he the first to acquire the gift of a quirk... but, he was also the one who spread the ability to gain quirks among everyone... it is said so in the story, correct Young Yuko?

Sofia: Y-yeah... it didn't specify why or how, but, one day after living in this realm for over thousands of years, 'Father' as many called him perished... but not without leaving a gift behind... one final quirk that he had been saving until his death: the quirk to spread his wonderful gift to the entire world so that people could unlock their quirks.

Mark: And so... the time of quirks came around? Starting with that Chinese baby?

Sofia: Exactly... but, what does the Father of Quirks have to do with the reason why we were accepted into the school?

All Might and Aizawa both went silent momentarily, staring at each other once more... before both let out sighs of resignment as they turned back with what looked like solemn looks.

Aizawa: It... has everything to do with why you three were accepted into U.A.

(Flashback end)

Mark went wide-eyed... the blade of Karma's brass knuckle literally an inch away from piercing his skull... he looked at Karma's silver eyes which were naturally wide, he could easily see just how insane she was... but, she then suddenly lowered her fist, vomiting a massive amount of blood.

Mark: What the hell?

Sofia on top of the fire dome looked up after Eri 'healed' her, only to share Mark's confusion at the state of Karma, her arms wrapped around her stomach as she vomited blood, causing a pool to form beneath her and Mark's feet... then, Mark gasped before snapping his head to a certain direction and see his theory to be true.

Even with only one eye open, (Y/N) managed a glare, his quirk activating for the first time on a person, instantly Mark stumbled over, exhaustion still hitting him from Eri's quirk's side effect. Once he managed to get over to his best friend, he quickly covered his open eye much to (Y/N)'s confusion.

Mark: I get she's a villain, and that she hurt us... but, that's still no excuse to go looking for revenge, nor is it an excuse to kill someone... she's lucky your quirk was weaker than it normally is thanks to the fact you can't open your other eye right now.

Basically complying with Mark, (Y/N) ceased his glaring, allowing Mark to let him see again... Karma was on her knees, clutching at her stomach as she continued to vomit blood... Sofia saw it as an opportunity and went to attack, only to feel the aftereffects of Eri's quirk and fall off the dome, landing roughly on the ground. That startled Karma enough for her to realise her situation as she quickly backed off... only to smile widely when she saw a nearby villain.

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