Chapter 3

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(1st Person (Y/N))

The morning starts like always... the bright sun entering my vision through the window as I groaned while looking over at the digital clock next to me. The time's seven already? Just like usual, I don't even yawn as I get up from bed, allowing the blanket to fall down and reveal the bare chest of mine since I never wore a shirt to bed. I cracked my neck while stretching my arms, I knew I only had about thirty minutes so I couldn't waste time. I quickly hopped out of bed, grabbing a dressing robe on the way so that my upper body was covered too, I was currently wearing a pair of pyjama shorts that most people would wear to bed, unlike everyone else who probably has them as their favourite heroes, TV shows or whatnot, I've simply got a simply pair of black shorts... oh yeah, and I sleep with my scarf on too.

Opening my bedroom door, I peek out into the hallway, nodding to myself as I quietly closed the door behind me. Next was getting down the stairs, boy, that sure took a lot of effort to be quiet at since almost all the steps creaked if just a little too much weight was applied to them. I sighed silently at seeing that my sneaking plan was an easy success. The final part was the easiest: make breakfast and get back upstairs before half an hour passed, luckily I had put the frying pan out the night before so I didn't need to make a noise of the frying pan being taken out. I opened the fridge, grabbing the bacon before slamming two slices into the frying pan while turning it on, I then took another frying pan and cracked two eggs over the pan with one hand.

I've been living in this house for the last nine years, one thing I'll always be good at is cooking considering it was necessary for this house, the sizzling of the bacon was instantly heard since it was a gas cooker... freaking electric cookers and their slow warm up time, not to mention taking forever to cool down once you're finished and then accidentally touching the thing and burning your hand. Anyway, it took a grand total of five minutes to quickly fry both the eggs and bacon, I quickly grabbed a plate with utensils and then the milk jug that was in the fridge before placing all three on the table.

Now, in normal families the parent would cook breakfast for the kids... at least, that's what I've learned from Mark and Aunt Lydia. Well, not in this household, fifteen minutes left. Plenty of time, but I knew if I didn't eat in time my time would be up so I ate the breakfast like there was no tomorrow, gobbling it all down before placing the plate in the sink not bothering to wash it, oh and I drank the whole jug of milk just cause I was thirsty... still could use something sweet as an aftertaste though.

Five minutes left, now I've gotten myself dresed in my usual outfit and with the scarf around my neck I head straight into the bathroom, making sure to lock it and then going to the sink where five toothbrushes were resting on, I sighed picking up the toothbrush and then placing the toothpaste on it, just as my five minutes were up.

(3rd Person)

A loud yawn resonated throughout the house, that instantly woke up everyone else in the house that was still asleep. While brushing his teeth, (Y/N) could hear the small duo running down the hall, they went straight to their parent's room and he could hear the joyful laughter as he continued to simply stare blank-faced at the mirror. He spat out the building combination of saliva and toothpaste just as he heard someone turn the knob.

???: What? Why's the door locked?

???: What's wrong dear?

???: Door's locked, but, everyone's already out here, right?

The discussion continued with (Y/N) not even making a sound, eventually they just headed downstairs along with the lighter footsteps. That allowed (Y/N) to unlock the bathroom door, walking out while wiping his mouth with his hand, he didn't look down the stairs, instead he headed for his room and looked around, humming to himself before looking around seeing the family left their doors open again, so with a sigh he shut them all.

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