Keeper of the Stories

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Welcome, everybody, to the 7th story of the Newborn Saga. This story also marks my 8th year of writing; the 7th anniversary of the Gameverse! So as per tradition, we need a big adventure story with lots of crossovers!

Night 1: Keeper of the Stories

Once upon a time, there was a king and a queen. Their love was eternal, or at least for the better part of a day. You see, the king feared his love would be disloyal, so to assure that would never happen, the king killed his wife after the first night. He had hundreds more wives lined up, and he killed each one after one night. And then one day, he met his newest wife: Scheherazade. Before they commenced proceedings, Scheherazade told the king a story.

"Did you know there are more worlds beyond this one? Did you know that people and wars exist on those worlds? They are not human like we are... They were called Zathurians, and they sought the Power of the Stars. And one day, as if by a miracle from the gods, two children were born with this power..."

The tale was so enthralling that the king couldn't help but listen. But Scheherazade stopped in the middle of her story, for the night was over. There was no time to finish. So, the king spared her life for a day so she could finish the tale. Then, she began an even more amazing story.

"Those children with the Power of Stars were not the only ones to be born with power. There were billions of them, all across the universe. It was decided long, long ago by the ancient gods."

Her stories were endless. They lasted for a thousand or so nights, and the king kept sparing her life. It was as if Scheherazade knew the very universe from the moment of its birth. The story of how the demons continue to plague the world and the valiant Hero in Green who would slay them. The stories of the "Galactic Kids Next Door" that spread their philosophy to all corners of the cosmos. ...Indeed... nearly every story tied in to those Kids Next Door. Every story until this very day. To when they challenged the gods themselves and brought forth several new ages.

Eventually, the king could not bear to kill this woman. Nor could he allow her to die. Not with so many wonderful tales to share...

A gargantuan book of Golden Pages was closed by The Chronicler, an ancient and wise dragon. "I must admit... your knowledge is far more vast than mine... Scheherazade." He faced the young girl with flowing golden hair and bright blue eyes. "To know the entire history of this world... and others." The Chronicler viewed his endless bookshelf, displaying titles such as One Piece, Star Wars, and Family Guy.

"I know." Her bare feet calmly crossed the stone floor and took the massive book titled Gameverse. "I've always found it funny... how everything in history could seem so small." The book shrunk to a fair size to carry. "And how tearing a simple page could rupture reality itself."

The Chronicler slid the book onto a pedestal. "Then, my dear... what story will you tell next?"

Scheherazade closed her eyes. "That is only for her to decide..." Her body transformed into light and whisked into the heavens. The Chronicler watched as the book turned into light particles and floated away.

"So, you're reincarnating again, are you? I suppose that's for the best... after all, someone needs to control that little rascal. The question is, who will watch over him until then?"

Star Haven

In a region of space where stars glittered brightest, there sat a floating blue, star-shaped island. The grass and trees glittered like sun rays on water, and energetic Star Children were frolicking about the island. "Wheeeee! Hahahaha!" Some Star Kids were hovering a safe height as a 3-year-old brown-haired girl in a blue top-hat was jumping and trying to catch them. For someone her age, she was bouncing fairly well. "Stop flying, silly stars! I wanna make a wish!"

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