Fairy King Eddie

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In Ni no Kuni II, there was a character who was REALLY similar to Riddler. Gave me inspiration for this chapter.

Night 9: Fairy King Eddie


Sector SA was frozen in shock at hearing the news. "The Riddler?! Are you kidding?" Nagisa asked. "I know he's been hiding some of the Lost Pages, but he actually picked up a ring?"

"I knew I should've bagged him when I had the chance." Carol said grumpily. "I didn't think he would recover that quickly."

"I've heard of The Riddler." Deku replied. "We found a few of his Riddle Cubes and trophies around Musutafu."

"My sector found some, too." Lotte said.

"Yeah, he leaves them around ALL our planets." Killua followed. "I don't know how he manages it. So, now you're telling me he has the Ring of Wisdom?"

"This is bad." Index said. "As you might expect, the Wisdom Ring gives the holder all the knowledge in the universe. However, he can only access this knowledge whenever someone asks him a question pertaining to it. For instance, if we asked him the identities of the Newborn Guardians..."

"No way!" Goombella exclaimed. "Sounds like Riddler could actually be useful to us!"

"Yes, he could be useful: not just for us, but for our enemies. But the ring does have some weaknesses: first, he can only answer one question for each person. Second, he can only answer three questions in one day, but if he goes several days without answering that number, then he can answer more questions on a single day. Numbers build up, you know. Third, if a person already knows the answer to a question, then it won't count. Fourth, if Riddler himself already knew an answer without the ring's power, then it also wouldn't count. And lastly, The Riddler can't lie about his answer, but he can answer in any other manner he pleases."

"Such as Riddles." Goombella figured.

"Wait, remind me again why he was in Azoth to begin with?" Lotte asked.

"Well, he... ermmmmm..." Raleigh mumbled.


"He made it better. He had a bunch of fairies with him; they took all the available materials and created a giant Treehouse, attracting a ton of tourists—and a bunch of our scientists went to work inside it, and now they're discovering new places to mine for materials," his head was swelling, "and determining good countries to trade with, and developing cures for diseases, and—ERRRRRRGH! He's UP to something, and I CAN'T figure out WHAT!"

"I'm sorry, but you lost me at 'He had a bunch of fairies.'" Lotte mentioned.

"These little colorful fairies were flying around his Treehouse." Pacifica clarified. "It looked like they worked for him. Don't ask us why or how."

"I think we can see for ourselves." Index replied. "Let's head for Planet Poké now. Riddler works for the Brotherhood, so it's only a matter of time before they use his power for their own gain."

"But why isn't he with them right now?" Killua asked. "Why is he hanging around Azoth?"

"Let's go down and find out!" Nagisa decided. "If we can get Riddler to join us, then we can do just what you said, Index: we can ask him who the Newborn Guardians are!"

"A wise idea indeed! Oh, and that reminds me, where's my little Ciel?" Index asked. "Hoopa could use a new toy."

"Actually, he offered to stay behind and spy on Riddler." Weiss replied. "I hope he's doing okay."

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