Prelude to the Wars

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I forgot to mention, you know how I made that joke about Deadpool being censored while Jessie could cuss? Well, in the SAME night that I posted that chapter, the new American Dad episode made a joke where the others could cuss, but Klaus couldn't! Wow, what a coincidence! And speaking of whom:

"Hey, what's up, ***kers?" Deadpool greeted as two Demon Hounds were tugging on his arm and leg. "If you're wondering why I went easy on SA, it's part of a little assassins' protocol. But trust me, I coulda diced them up like a waiter in a sushi restaurant. Anyway, today I'll answer a question from our invisible audience. Heh, don't be shy, you know you wanna ask this." Deadpool Shaved up and used a Haki Tempest Kick on the hounds. He grabbed a paper from his pocket and read, "'Since Jaune Pringle is a Mustachio, is that what the Mario Bros. are?' The answer is yes, and that's why Louise has a mustache! Y'all probably figured that out."

Another hound lunged at him, but Deadpool held his sword in a vertical position to keep it back. "Next question, 'Are there aquatic and bug-types Mobians?' Yep! You remember Charmy Bee from Firstborn? Alright, let's start the chapter!"

Night 6: Prelude to the Wars

Lotte was passed out on the deck of a ship. She felt something smallish bouncing on her chest. "Lotte, wake up." The bookworm peeped open her eyes at-

"Goombella?" The mushroom got off as Lotte helped herself up. "W-Where... are we?"

They approached the wooden railing and realized they were on a ship floating in the heavens. A storm had swallowed this sea of pirate ships, and the sounds of gunfire rang throughout the air. A bright aqua glow in the shape of a ring brimmed in the sky. "Index said this had something to do with your Pleasure Ring just now."

"My pleasuring?" Lotte asked.

"Wow, that totally came out wrong!"

"You know, Goombella... this looks like something right out of one of my favorite history books. No, it's more than that. It IS right out of the book! Look at those ships!" She pointed to a squad of candy ships. "They're the Linlin Pirates! But it's how they were designed 200 years ago! And those animal ships belong to the Hundred Beast Pirates, led by the Emperor Kaido." She gasped, "And THERE'S the Flying Dutchman! Oh, I can feel Davy Jones' terrifying aura, already! And that's Blackbeard's ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge!"

"Are you saying we've actually been sent back in time to the Pirate Wars?!"

"It would seem like it... but I recall the actual Pirate Wars being a lot more intense. Like, cannonballs raining everywhere, a kajillion ships, and-"

Suddenly, cannonballs came down like rain, explosions all around, and thousands more ships appeared. "AAAAH!" screamed Goombella, dodging the fire. "LOTTE, take it back!"

"YAH! I mean, it was more like the other way, the less extreme way!!" Instantly, the area changed back to the previous look.

"Lotte, it seems like you have control over this world. ...Kind of like Index when we were inside the other book."

"How strange... wait, where are the others?"

"Maybe they landed in other areas. I say we try to find them."

"Or I could just command them to appear beside me!" Lotte declared with a proud smile. After a moment, nothing happened. "Maybe I don't have control over everything. Come on, Goombella, let's start searching!" (Play "The Cursed Sea" from Zelda: Wind Waker!)

Stage 4: Old Pirate Wars

Mission: Locate the others and find a way out of here!

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