Chapter 1

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(Welcome to Chapter 1 of Quest for the Lost, Revised Version! Just a reminder to anyone who may not know, this is book 2. If you have not read book 1, Sebastian's Daughter, I ask that you leave now and come back after. If you came here knowing what this is, then welcome, and I hope you enjoy!)

"I couldn't find anything," Maria heaved after running back over to us from the other side of the field.

"Neither did I," my father, Sebastian Michaelis, said, approaching the two of us.

"There has to be something! Mom said we might find some sort of clue here!" I almost screamed, tears threatening my eyes. I sniffed, trying to hold back my emotions.

"Selena, calm down," my father said softly, placing a gloved hand on my shoulder. "We will keep looking, but we cannot stay here for much longer. We have to keep moving, or else they may catch up to us."

They. The hunters. I definitely hadn't forgotten them. They've been making the past year of my life terrible. But they weren't going to stop hunting me down. Not until they'd finally done their job. I knew we couldn't stay in one place for too long, but I was willing to take the risk if it meant getting Mom back.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and keep the tears from flooding from my eyes. I had to think. Mom had said we might find clues at the scene of the crime, so that was where we decided to start. As we searched, all we saw was an empty field. There's no way something could've stayed here for ten years...

Then I had a better idea.

"I'll be right back," I told my father and Maria, and before they could ask where I was going or tell me no, I unfurled my wings and flew high into the sky.

I heard them both shout at me in protest, but I didn't listen. I had to get a bird's eye view of the field, or else we might miss something, and I was the only one that could do it.

I carefully examined the ground beneath me. The unkept field was large, with long, dying brown grass and trees that were sparse with few or no leaves. Mom had always loved autumn. The changing leaves and the cool breeze had helped her relax. Our family had always been at its happiest. It was also the time of year that she sacrificed herself for me. The hunter had to have been trying to kill me, right? What kind of human in their right mind would kill an angel?

I surveyed the area and then flew across the field slowly, being sure to carefully examine the entire field. Eventually, I got a glimpse of something. I flew toward it, smiling.

Until I heard a gunshot, that is.

I swiftly dodged it as I flew toward the ground. Several more were heard, and I dodged all of them as I landed. I looked down at what I had found. There wasn't any grass here. There was only a small patch of dirt, and what appeared to be carriage tracks. As I got closer to the dirt, I saw it. A dried, red patch.

It was my mother's blood.

I could feel it. I could sense her presence in the blood. I had the ability to sense other angels and demons, and my heart skipped a beat at the realization that it was Mom.

I felt my eyes turn from their normal hazel color to a bright red as the tears finally escaped. I squeezed them closed tightly, trying to calm down. We could follow these tracks and see where they take us, or-

I was cut off by another anti-demon gunshot. It grazed my thigh, cutting me.

I heard my father call out to me, urgency clear in his voice. I ignored him, standing my ground. I had to follow the tracks. I had to find Mom!

I felt the tears cascading down my face. Another of the several bullets that were being fired hit me, in the side this time. They must be getting closer if their aim is improving.

I finally decided to turn around and fight back, but as soon as I did so, a bullet hit me in the center of my chest. I gasped at the pain that was just inches away from my heart. I folded my wings tightly against my back as I fell to the ground.

Dad was there not a moment later, lifting me up. I opened my eyes to see him running me back to our carriage, away from our only clue so far.

I struggled against him, trying to get him to turn back. It only resulted in him holding me tighter. I saw Maria out the corner of my eye and looked at her pleadingly. We had to go back.

Maria's face brightened for just a moment as she understood. She stopped my father.

"She found something," was all she said, her voice low, barely audible over the ringing of gunshots.

I felt my father hold me tighter for a moment, as if he was hugging me.

He handed me to Maria, whispering something to her. She nodded and started to run back to the carriage. I looked behind us for my father, and saw he was examining what I had found. He then started to follow the tracks.

I smiled and jumped from Maria's arms. She wasn't able to carry me on her own, especially with my wings making me way much more than a human teenage girl. She smiled, put my arm around her shoulders and helped me run back to the carriage. 

Quest for the Lost REVISED VERSION (Sebastian's Daughter Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now