Chapter 7

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Normal POV (Jennifer)

I was frozen in place surely I did not hear that right... Right!? I turn to see Diana do the same...I mean this can't be true. Then I hear Autumn "What the Fuck....How did these losers get chosen", I turn to face her with a glare and stand up confidently. "Come on Diana we got to go to the front" I whispered to her as I begin to walk down towards the stage. The flashes of the media begin to start, it was as if we were being swallowed by the light. Each step I took the less confidante I was, I mean what would Ward think about this doubt he would even let me go I mean do I really want to risk going.

Then as we start to climb the stair of the stage I see him, Nic was just as hansom as the day his limo hit me... and yes I know that was 3 days ago. Before I knew it both Diana and I were standing on the stage next to the principal with the Nic and the Duke on the other side of him. I was still believing that I was just hallucinating this or dreaming it, how could someone like me get chosen to go on a trip like this and spend it with royalty.

I know I cannot lose this experiences this chance that could possible change my life, I can't let Ward take this off of me. I was repeat that over and over in my head before I was taken out of my world with a nudge by Diana. I turn my head to face her to see her gesturing in front of us " I believe we are going to have a wonderful time" a voice said. I quickly turned to see Nicholas, in front of me holding out his hand with the most brightest smile I have ever seen on someones face. I immediately shake his hand 'Yeah.. I, I t-think so too' I stuttered as a blush formed on my face.

Yet again we were swallowed by a sea of flashed as the media continues to take pictures and before I knew it we were being pushed out of the school hall and into the principals office. "Jennifer and Diana to let you know I am very happy that you were chosen to represent Bayshore High for this once in a life time opportunity" the principal said before he sat down.

Remus POV

We were quickly ushered out of the school hall and away from the media down to the privacy of the principals office. As Nic sat down on a dark leather chair I quickly found myself seated on the similar brown chair opposite him, while the two girls sat of the sofa opposite the principals desk. I looked both of the "chosen ones" up and down as I try and figure out who's who. One of the girls has long blond hair which complimented her small face and large blue eyes which kept on wondering back to Nic so I assumed this was girl Nic ran over. The second girl on the other hand was taller than the blond and was chewing her rose pink lips as her chestnut hair cascades around her face which framed it perfectly.

Before I could get notice observing the girls I looked at the principal "So should I explain to the chosen students what is to be happing and the plan for it? or do want to my royal highnesses?" the principal said with nerves. I looked to face Nic and with a smile and a nod gave me my signal 'You can just call us Prince Nicholas and Duke Remus, and if you do not mind we would love to explain the plans to the chosen students' I said with charm "Why yes, yes of course Duke Remus and Prince Nicholas" the principle replied with a wide smile. I than turned my attention to the two girls sitting patiently yet nervously on the sofa, 'It is the upmost pleasure to meet you two, I am Duke Remus Leius Tyler White both cousin and Best friend to Prince Nicholas James Michel Zeal' I said as I gestured to Nic. 'We will be going over the plans for this trip and what you will be doing throughout your stay in Eadror' Nic added as I handed both of the girls a few pages of paper explaining what we will be doing and what we will be doing. 'Oh ah Thank you Prince Nicolas and Duke Remus, I'm Diana Spade and this is my friend Jennifer Thron, it's a pleasure to meet you both and be part of this trip' the tall chestnut hair girl said with joy as she looked at Nic and I. 'Well I guess we should be going over these plans' I suggested as the girls began to look over the booklet I gave them.

Diana POV

That was the longest but most fun meeting I have ever had at school in the principals office, I still can't believe that both Jen and I got chosen to go to Eadror. 'Jen I cannot believe we get to go to Eadror on Friday, a fully paid trip where we get to stay at the royal castle with the royals!!!!!!' I exclaimed excitedly 'I know right Di, but what if Ward won't let me go, what if he gets angry I got chosen' Jen worried. 'Try not to worry about him okay, just go home pack your bags and start to count down the days' I said trying to lift her spirits. 'Yeah I'll try' she faintly said.

I always worry about Jen with her brother being her brother and all, but I have a feeling that he might just allow her to go on this trip. 'How about I give you a ride home today' I said to her as i actually brought my car to school today 'Yeah that would be nice' she said with a bright smile. The rest of the day went really fast and before I knew it I was dropping Jen at her house 'Don't be scared and if anything happens call me and the police' I said to her before she closed the door, 'Yeah yeah I will' she said as she started walking to her house. I started to drive off and begin to lift off into my own thoughts of the adventure that awaits Jen and I.

A/N : Thank you Guys for supporting me so I hoped you like the new chapter I hope to release the next one tomorrow so until then have a good morning/day/night.

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