Chapter 8

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As I hear Dianas car drive away I open the front door 'Ward I'm home, I kinda have to talk to you' I said as a walked in, 'Yeah you sure do you little bitch' Ward shouted back. 'Oh shit' I breath under my breath as I started to walk into the living room. 'SLAM' was all I heard as I was pushed against the wall with Ward holding my arms in 'You little Slut you got a lot of talking to do after what Autumn told me' he shouted in my face as I tried to ignore the pain in my head. Ward shoved me again 'I know you aren't deaf so answer me why Autumn told me you where chosen by the prince of Eadror to go on a trip' he shouted again 'It was random two students got chosen to got to Eadror to spend a week with the royals and a-and I was one of them' I said.

I thought he was going to yell at me again or hit me but I was surprise when he started to take me off the wall, thats when I heard him mumble something under his breath before he looked at me with a smug smile 'Well come on tell me all about it' he said with interest. I was beyond shocked never ever was Ward interested in the things I was involved in so I cooperated and started to get the booklet the Duke gave me and Diana. I was hesitant to give him it, it was if it was the most prized possession I had but before I could hand it to him he snatched it out of my hands and started to look through it. "So you leave on Friday..... do you need to get anything for the trip" he said while looking through the list, 'I ah... need to double check' I replied quickly 'Well let me know if you do I will give you some money to get it'. I am running this over and over in my head I mean is this the real Ward informant of me surely there has to be a twist... 'Ah I will let you know' I replied.

'Now how about you go in your room and start packing and get a good rest okay' Ward said as he handed me a bottle of water and a packet for chips and started pushing me towards my room 'Um sure' I said as he closed my door. I cannot believe what just happened Wards actually being nice and allowing me to go 'I think I'm dreaming' I said to myself.


Both Remus and I entered back into our holiday home, after we took the long way to avoid getting followed by the media. 'Man I am so glad to be back here after that mess' Remus exclaimed as stretched, 'I know, I know Duke Lazy Ass' I replied with as I fell onto the sofa. 'Yeah yeah whatever your highass' he sarcastically said, there was a long silence so I knew something was one his mind because he usually is the loud one 'Remus just spit it out already, what's on your mind' I ask with concern. 'It's nothing to worry about Nic, it just that I'm glad that your ran over girl was chosen' he said in a snarky voice as I whipped my head over to see him opposite me on the other Italian leather couch 'How did you know it's her' I replied quickly 'By that reaction' he laughed.

I groaned in annoyance as I just gave it away, I don't even know what I'm annoyed about she just a normal girl. Yeah she just like any other girl, I kept on repeating in my head. 'Oi Nic did you realises anything about her when you ran her over' he question 'Um not anything out of the normal, why'. 'I just observing the girls while we were talking' Remus was saying 'You are such a Perv Duke' I shot back slightly jealous that he was looking Jennifer. 'Hey let me finish before you say anything' he shouted back, 'Fine' I mumbled as I let him continue.

'So I notice that she was wearing a long sleeve top and jeans in the middle of Summer'


'It just looked like she was trying to cover something' he suggested

As I was remembering the events of today I tried to remember what Jennifer was wearing. I believe it was a black long sleeve top with blue jeans, it look great on her but she did seem uncountable as she constantly was pulling her sleeves down. 'I guess we will have a look into it when we get to spend time with them' I question and I was deepening my thoughts. 'Dinner will be ready soon, your highness's' a voice said as it snapped me out of my thoughts. 'We will be there soon' Remus shouted back as I was continuing recounting Jennifer in my mind.

Jen (POV)

Time skip - Friday

I felt warmth on my face as I opened my eyes to see the sun shinning through my window almost surrounding my face with a halo, as if the sun is telling me that today was going to be a good day. Really It's been a good week, Ward has left me alone and gave me money so I could get some stuff to wear on the trip and Autumn and her friends have left me alone at school too. As I was waking up form my daze I began to her nosies, clicking and talking, lots of talking. I sit up suddenly trying to focus to the talking, thats when I hear Wards voice, maybe he has his friends over or Autumn. I shiver at the thought.

'So how has life been for you and your sister while living after your parents death?'

'Are you proud of your sister'

'She must really look up to you'

'Do you think this experience will change you lives for the better?'

Voices shot one after the other as I suddenly became aware what was really happening, 'I knew there was a catch' swore under my breath as I started to get changed. Once I was finished getting dress I open my door slowly so couldn't be heard but before I knew it I was being dragged to the living room. Before I could face the media that were in the next room I winced in pain as Ward squeezed my arm tight and whispered in my ear 'Play nice, act along and be a Good Girl okay'. I quickly nodded as he continued to walk me into the living room where I saw a swarm of flashes signifying the end of my good morning.

After hours of questions the media finally left and I don't think I have ever seen Ward as happy as I see him in front of me. 'Jen I am going to milk this as long as possible so behave your best on this little trip of yours and try and get close to those royals' He said confidently said as he grabbed a beer from the kitchen. 'Oi Jen, you better make your self look pretty your cars going to come and pick you up soon, cover up your scars' I flinch at those words knowing that he is just doing this to get attention and money so I begin to walk back to my room to count down the remaining 45 minutes until I escape this living hell.

A/N : Hi guys Just to let you know I may not get the chance to publish the next chapter tomorrow but I will post it as soon as I can. Thank you So much for your support!!!

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