Chapter 11

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Lea's POV:

It was raining again, when I woke up the next morning.

The rain didn't bother me anymore. I was kind of getting used to it.

I slowly stood up, just as an unbearable pain flashed through my arm.

I ignored it and started getting dressed.

It was still too early for anyone to be up, so I slipped downstairs to the kitchen.

There were some Pop tarts left in one of the cupboard, so I put them in the toaster and waited.

My hand is now throbbing like hell, so I started to remove the bandage a bit to see the damage.

As soon as I pulled the bandage and gauze off, my knuckles started bleeding again.

"Just fucking great.", I muttered.

I rebandaged my hand and put the Pop tarts on a plate.

While I ate, I went through my Facebook a bit. There was some stupid strike going on back home.

I huffed, but didn't comment. These people were idiots. Why complain about a bad salary, when you at least have a job?

Now you burn things down and then complain about that too.

"A little early to be up, don't you think?"

I look up to see my dad's girlfriend leaning again the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.

I didn't answer as I stood up and walked to the sink.

"I'm talking to you, girlie. Where's your manners?", she said, standing right behind me now, gripping my bruised hand.

I gritted my teeth and looked her straight in the face as I said,"I have no respect or time for whores. So fuck off." I pull my hand from her grip, just as I heard my dad calling for her.

I turned and grabbed my phone off the table and sprinted back up to my room.

My notepad laid on my desk and I walked over to it.

I pulled a pen from one of holders on my desk and tore out two pages from my notepad.

The first one is to my mom, telling her that I've already gone to school and that I'd be hanging out with Sam and the gang this afternoon.

The second is to my dad. I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't approve of my colourful language, but I couldn't have cared less.

When I was done, I grabbed my bag from the corner of the room, along with my phone and my wallet.

I walked down to my mom's room and put my note by her bedside.

Then I gently pulled her blankets up till it was under her chin and kissed her on the cheek.

On my way out of the house, I slammed the letter for my dad down on the living room table, where I knew he'd find it.

There was a quiet knock on the front door.

I stomped over to it and threw it open. "What?!", I said, annoyed.

"In a bit of a mood today, are we?", Archer said, smirking.

For a moment I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

Then I shook my head and stepped out of the house, closing the door behind me.

"Where were you yesterday?", I asked.

I pushed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, before he saw my bandaged hand.

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