Chapter 30

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Lea's POV:

I'd always believed that heaven was a place of bright colours. A place of no suffering and no pain.

It's not true at all. It's as uncomfortable and dark as hell and there was definitely pain.

My whole body seemed to be constantly paining or feeling on fire.

I sometimes tried to move when my body was paining, but I couldn't.

It was like I was frozen. Like I was trapped in my mind like before, when I'd been in a coma.

I fought a lot too in this 'heaven' of mine. I was constantly fighting to keep the darkness from totally crushing me.

Sometimes I didn't have to fight as hard.

At these times I'd dream. I'd dream of seeing Archer and Courtney and Clare again.

I'd dream of waking up and being alive, of living a normal life again.

I knew they were just dreams though. I'd never see Archer or the pups or even Archer's dad and Irus and Skylar again.

It made me feel like crying, but I couldn't.

In this place of mine, there was only darkness, pain and suffering. Like hell.

I guess I must've done something real bad to deserve this.

There was no way to tell time here. No light to say if it was day or night, only darkness.

Once, a while ago, I'd been vaguely aware of the feeling of been lifted.

Other than that time, I never knew anything else.

I was stuck between heaven and hell without any hope of ever escaping.

Sometimes I wished that I'd never tried to fight those rogues, at least then I wouldn't have died.

It had only caused pain and suffer. Not only for me, but for Archer too.

I wondered how he was coping, if he even was coping at all.

At that moment I felt a sharp pain in my side. Ugh. One of those days again.

Somehow this pain was different from the others though. It was more pronounced.

After a while, it faded slightly as a even more pronounced pain began in my shoulder and back.

What the fuck was going on?

I've never felt these sharp pains since I'd died.

Another pain in my face also decided to make it's self known.

I heard a shuffle somewhere and I tried to turn towards it.

Maybe I wasn't dead after all? Maybe there was I chance that I'd survived.

With that thought in mind, I tried to fight harder against the darkness.

It was tough, but I kept going though. The darkness seemed to lift slightly.

I could now hear a beeping sound nearby. I hoped that meant that I was still alive somehow.

I tried to move my fingers and it worked.

Then there was a sudden pressure on my hand, electricity flowing through me.

I must be alive then. I must've survived then.

This made me fight even harder.

If I alive, then I had to open my eyes. I had to see Archer again.

I had to show him that I was okay. I had to hug and kiss him again.

I finally won the battle and my eyes opened.

There was a blazing white light above me.

It hurt my eyes so bad that I had to close them again.

"Lea, baby, can you hear me? If you can, please open your eyes again.", a voice said.

There was no mistake that it was Archer's.

I forced my eyes back open and turned my head away from the bright light.

And there he was. In all his beautiful glory. I felt tears jump to my eyes as I looked him.

He was crying. The tears ran freely as he looked back to me.

"Hey, handsome. Miss me?", I said, my voice sounded hoarse.

He just stared at me, crying. I lifted my hand and wiped the tears away, only to have more follow.

"You're awake. You're really awake.", he said and then jumped up.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and then hugged my tightly.

I groaned as the pain in my shoulder and upper back flared up again.

He pulled away and laughed a little through his tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so glad you're finally awake again.", he said.

"How long have I been out for?", I asked.

I really wanted to know, since he'd said 'finally'. It meant that it must've been a while.

"A year.", he said after a moment of hesitation.

A year? I'd been in a coma for a year? I was totally shocked.

"Am I allowed to get up?", I asked.

I wanted to get up and see everything that I've missed while I was asleep.

Archer shook his head and I frowned.

"Why not?"

"We first need to let the doc see you.", he said.

"Oh ok, but can you please turn that bright light off?", I asked.

It was really hurting my eyes bad. Archer stood up and switched it off.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and smiled at him.

He pressed a button near the door and then came to help me sit up a bit.

As soon as I was sitting up, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him to me.

I inhaled his scent as I laid my head in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you so much, Lea. You wouldn't believe it.", he said, wrapping his arms around me.

We stayed like this for a while, till the door opened and something heavy landed on my legs.

I pulled away and saw that it was two something's.

Two pups to be exactly. I recognised them immediately.

It was Courtney and Clare. They'd grown pretty big since the last time I saw them.

They ran over to me and I threw my arms around them, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm glad to see you're awake, Miss Summers. How are you feeling?", the doc asked as I pulled away from the pups.

"I'm feeling great, doc. Except for the pain in my left shoulder and upper back.", I told him.

He nodded and started checking my file.

"Umm, when can I get up from here, doc?", I asked.

He seemed to hesitate for a second, but then said,

"As soon as you can walk again."

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