You Taste Like Pringles

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"How many times do I need to remind you to PICK YOUR SHOES UP FROM OFF OF THE FLOOR I'VE ALMOST DIED TWICE." I chunk his dirty shoes at him from across the room.

"Twice, huh? You know, you could've moved them the first time you encountered them and that would've solved the whole 'dying' twice thing..." He places air quotes around dying.

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

"Love you too, babe."

I roll my eyes, ripping the bed sheets back from their spot.

"Oh, come on! You know you're going to be all over this in ten minutes." He runs his hands all over his body, winking at me viciously. I shake my head firmly.

"Oh, no, oh hell no. I'm going to bed, I have a long filming day tomorrow."

"Wait, so no cuddling tonight?? OH, Andrewwww, no!! Please, please, I'll remember to pick up my shoes next time."

"Garrett, that's what you always say."

"Oh but I mean it for real this time!! Please!!! I need my cuddle time, you know this." I cross my arms tightly across my chest, pouting. My toe still throbbing from where I've stubbed it. I hated those fucking shoes. "Please, please, please, please!!!!!" He hops on the bed and gets up close to my face, pouting as well. He kisses my cheek softly, I don't think I'd ever get used to that. I bite my lip in order to keep myself from smiling. The kiss sent warm sparks flying all over my body.

"Stop it..."

"Make me." He kisses my lips gently, slipping a little tongue in as well. "Babe, kiss me back." I stay in my spot, arms still crossed over my chest. He frowns when he notices I've not moved. "You're starting to hurt my feelings now..." I give in eventually and kiss him back, taking his face in both of my hands. I find myself climbing on top of him, straddling him down. I sit on top of him, thankful that he was able to hold my weight. It was time for a little payback.

"A-Andrew..." He stutters, and I know it's already working. I grind down on his hips, pinning his arms down by his sides. "A-Andrew!!" He says more urgently this time. I look at him, beads of sweat are forming just above his brows.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." I pause before continuing, licking my lips slightly, "do you want me to stop?" It comes out as a whisper, and I can see the sweat building.

"God, no." I grind down harder onto him, "k-kiss me."

"On one condition..."

"Anything, Andrew I'll fucking do anything."

"Put your God damn shoes away."

"Aaaand the moment is ruined." He sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Listen here you little shit, my toe has been throbbing for hours. You think I'm gonna let you off the hook??? No!! Hell no!!"

"Andrew, seriously..."

"I swear to God, Garrett."

"Fine! Fine!! But if you ever fucking do that again, I'll kill you." He glares.

"Love you too."

This was the life, and in all honesty, it really was. It sounded like we hated each other, but this was our way of living together, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I watch as Garrett gets out of bed, strolling into the bathroom. I listen as he turns on the shower, and then, of course, the music starts.




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