What's Wrong With Yoga?

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A/N: I guess this is a disclaimer??? Idk haha anyways!!!! I do NOT mean to hurt your little hearts!!! This is just how I write. I plan on having plenty of fluff in the future so no worries there if there's anything you guys aren't fans of please let me know so I can possibly fix things! I want to make this fic enjoyable for both me to write and you to read!!!

Plus, this chapter was hard for me to write, especially the end. I actually felt sick, so if you're struggling just know that you are not alone. I don't know why I'm like this... :)

- your angsty author nic



I'd decided to stay at my place that night but I knew that I'd get no sleep if Garrett wasn't beside me, reminding me every once in a while that he was there by pulling me closer. And I was right, it was three am and I still hadn't been able to fall asleep. I stare at my ceiling fan, watching as it cast shadows around my bedroom. I missed him. I missed the way he smelt, the way he breathed when he was completely asleep, the way his arm rested under my body. He'd said he liked to keep it there, just as a reminder that I was in his bed with him. I'd never thought I'd miss that but here I was desperately wishing for his arm to be under me. I decide to call him, maybe I could change my mind and stay the night at his, maybe then I'd get some sleep.

"Andrew? Are you okay? Is everything okay?" He sounds panicked and wide awake, which had surprised me. Typically he would be asleep by now unless he was playing video games, then I guess it would make sense for him to be up.

"I can't sleep. What are you doing?" I sit up in bed, leaning my head against the backboard.

"Me either, I was just laying down actually. I miss you."

"I miss you more, I don't think I should have come home." Hoping he invites me over, I hold my breath waiting for his response.

"Do you want to come over? I could use some cuddle time." I smile, tearing up at how sweet he was.

"Please. It was a mistake, me coming home."

"Wait, really? You're coming over?"

"I mean if that's okay with you?"

"YES! Yes, please come over." I bite my lip, smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. What had I done to deserve this boy? The world may never know, I was just glad to have him.

"I'll be there in ten."

It was more like five, and I was pretty sure I'd sped the whole way. The door opened as soon as I pulled in the driveway, Garrett comes barrelling out, arms extended wide. He wraps me up in a hug, spinning me around. He kisses me before I can speak, I feel at home.

"I'm so glad you're here." He whispers, pressing another kiss to my temple.

"I'm glad to be here."

We walk inside hand in hand, heading straight to the bedroom. It seemed that now, I was dead tired. I crawl into his bed, resting my head on his chest as he crawls in next to me. I exhale deeply, this had been the worst day and as I close my eyes his arms slowly wrap around me, pulling me close. I breathe him in, he smelt of cinnamon and leather. He placed a kiss on the top of my head, his hands rubbing small circles on my back. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you," I mumble, feeling myself begin to fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

He was mine and that's all that mattered.

Waking up to him felt so good, his hand had made its way underneath my back as we'd drifted apart through the night. I sit up and stretch, yawning and he immediately pulls me back down, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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