10|T H E O R I E S

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Harry James Potter,the boy who lived,the boy who's sister mysteriously disappeared.There were lots of theories.One of them being the that someone,(a death who isn't in Azkaban)took her,and killed her.Harry Potter knew better than that.Why would else would he be getting dreams?That she was alive and in Hogwarts.

Gryffindor Common Room.31st December,1986.11:58AM.
Raven-headed boy,green eyes,shaped of almonds.Circular glasses.You couldn't mistake him.The lonely boy-until 2 minutes later-was sitting in front of the fireplace.A bushy headed girl,with a ginger haired boy with freckles,walked down at the exact same time,but down different stairs.Staring at each other,thinking, 'How the hell did we do that?'

Hermione cleared her throat,saying,"Happy New Year!"
When she didn't get a reply,she shuffled her feet awkwardly,"Um,I guess you were waiting for 12:00/0:00,but can I remind you it isn't her birthday yet...-"

"I know Hermione"
Harry answered bluntly.Then a voice in his head said, Ignoring your friends won't solve your problems,and don't bottle up your feelings!

His eyes widened,and thought rapidly,not knowing what to think,Who is this?

It was like real life,because the voice chuckled in his head, You are so naive Harry,I would've thought you'd use this mind thing-telepathically I would say-ages ago!No,let me refresh that-I would've thought you'd figure this out by now!Its really handy-unless the person on the other end is creating a barrier to deliberately to stop talking to them.
Harry blinked,there'd be only two people who would speak sarcastically,was the Blacks.The youngest female Black to be specific.

What the hell,Evangeline!You scared me half to death you could've if just said it was you-

What's the point in that-Oh God,I've got to Harry,if I don't talk to you in 10 minutes,tell Dumbledore-and tell him this word to word 'Medusa's curse has hit-'

Harry blinked, Evana?

That's when he thought,'What's happened now?'

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