Part 118

606 13 136

First letter of your favourite warrior cat's name:

A: Primrose

B: Tansy

C: Tulip

D: Fawn

E: Bright

F: Light

G: Broken

H: Golden

I: Silver

J: Jade (might be a SkyClan name)

K: Opal

L: Ruby (again SkyClan)

M: Sand/y

N: Ginger

O: Wave

P: Sea

Q: Quail

R: Ripple

S: Feather

T: Ashen

U: Aspen

V: Violet

W: Winter

X: Black

Y: Yarrow

Z: Zebra (LOL)

Colours of the rainbow:

Red: Flower

Orange: Gaze

Yellow: Stripe

Green: Leaf

Blue: Pool

Indigo: Sun

Violet: Frost

What did you get? I got Tansyleaf and Rubypool!

Warrior Cats Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now