Part 193

382 14 84

Favourite cat eye colour (not human)

- excuse my repetitive names, I'm very tired at the moment but wanted to get a part done before bed. next part will have some different names I haven't yet used /are less common in this book -

Light blue: Ripple/Nettle

Dark blue: Spark/Leaf

Blind blue (Eg. Jayfeather, some concept arts make his eyes very light blue/white): Rain/Opal

Light green: Bee/Cloud

Leaf green: Bright/Night

Dark green: Tangle/Osprey

Amber: Crimson/Coyote

Yellow: Creek/Poppy

Grey: Marigold/Sap(or Sapling)

Purple: Chestnut/Ember

Deep copper/brown: Iris/Alder

Hazel: Swan/Dark

Albino red: Hazel/Honey

Other: Dew/Puddle

First letter of your favourite warrior cat mother (eg. queens or ex-queens like Goldenflower)

A - C: Stream/Leap

D - F: Song/Spot(s)

G - I: Mask/Moon

J - L: Runner/Fern

M - P: Whisper/Blossom

Q - S: Pool/Snow

T - V: Pelt/Splash

W - X: Storm/Tail

Y - Z: Flower/Fall

What did you get? I got Brightpool/Nightmask!



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