Part 187

383 14 89

You're stuck in a dark forest and you see a demon-like figure coming towards you, what do you do? (OUT OF THESE OPTIONS)

Scream for help: Dark

Take off running: Scarlet

Hide: Crimson

Climb a tree and hope for the best: Black

Call your emergency number (eg. 9-9-9- or 9-1-1 ect.): Night

FIGHT!: Coal/Smoke(y)

Let it turn you into a demon and haunt the world forever: Red

Reason with the demon (you could try I guess): Russet

Do nothing and pray it's a nightmare (RIP): Shattered

Favourite creepy creature?

Werewolf: Fang/Moon

Vampire: Gaze/Stream

Demon: Heart/Feather

Satan: Leaf/River

A creepy character from a story/film ect: Dusk/Storm (hehe)

Slenderman: Path/Sky

Creepy/Dark type Pokemon (eg. Darkrai): Cloud/Cry

Witch: Wish/Pool

Other: Leap/Flower

What did you get? I got Blackstream and Blackstorm!

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