Part 102

735 17 164

Second Letter of Last Name

A: Amber/Ashen

B: Bee/Blizzard

C: Coral/Crimson

D: Drizzle/Dapple

E: Ember/Eagle

F: Flame/Feather

G: Gray/Glacier

H: Heather/Hyacinth

I: Ice/Ivy

J: Jay/Juniper

K: Kestrel/Kink

L: Lightning/Lavender

M: Marigold/Moon

N: Needle/Night

O: Orange/Opal

P: Pheasant/Poppy

Q: Quail/Quiet

R: Rose/Ripple

S: Snow/Shattered

T: Thistle/Thorn

U: Russet/Ruby

V: Vole/Vanilla

W: Wavering/Winter

X: Rosemary/Sage

Y: Yarrow/Yew

Z: Zebra/Hickory

Second letter of First Name

A: Blaze/Leap

B: Strike/Shade

C: Flower/Petal

D: Swirl/Shadow

E: Leaf/Heart

F: Cloud/Tangle

G: Tail/Rain

H: Pool/Gaze

I: Path/Storm

J: Ear/Nose

K: Stream/Song

L: Spring/Fern

M: Frost/Pelt

N: Foot/Shard

O: Fang/Fall

P: Wing/Wish

Q: Hawk/Pounce

R: Soul/Breeze

S: Stride/Dash

T: Step/Mist

U: Wind/Stone

V: Shimmer/Shine

W: Tuft/Streak

X: Speckle/Flare

Y: Wind/Light

Z: Twist/Fur

What did you get? I got Amberfrost and Ashenpelt!

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