Part 182

380 11 86

Would you rather listen to... (of these options)

Emotional/Touching/Tragic music?: Soft/Rose

Fantasy/Sci-Fi music?: Flame/Swift


Dark/Creepy/Horror music?: Night/Raven

First letter of a film/video game that has your favourite soundtrack (I literally struggled for like 5 minutes on how to phrase that, basically a film/video game with good music lmao)

A - C: Breeze/Step/Leap

D - F: Wind/Petal/Blossom

G - I: Fang/Gaze/Whisper

J - L: Path/Ripple/Flight

M - P: Heart/Cry/Rain

Q - S: Blaze/River/Stream

T - V: Storm/Strike/Scent

W - X: Seeker/Watcher/Fall

Y - Z: Leaf/Tail/Flicker

What did you get? I got Softwind, Flamegaze and Ravencry!

My favourite soundtracks:

- Detroit: Become Human (Connor+Kara's themes along with a lot of other songs from it)

- How to train your dragon 1+ 2(BEAUTIFUL)

- Pirates of the Caribbean

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