chapter one

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layla.loveless new hair baby 🤑😎
108 likes 21 comments

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ashleyyy okay don't give me pic creds? the audacity
layla.loveless ashleyyy sorry not sorry :/

xoxo.livvy whore
this comment was deleted by layla.loveless !

hannabanana lolol go back to the insane asylum you broke out of!
this comment was deleted by layla.loveless !

ashleyyy I saw that shit
ashleyyy I'm about to beat the shit out of someone
xoxo.livvy ashleyyy wow, sticking up for the town slut, huh? you don't scare me, babe 😘
ashleyyy xoxo.livvy fuck yourself, olivia.

xoxo.livvy can't even handle me calling you a whore? only trying to spread the truth
xoxo.livvy whore
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maliatate hot mama

maliatate I'm gonna have to steal you away from all your rich friends sometime soon
layla.loveless ahhh I miss you so fucking much <333 you don't even know, roomie ;) maliatate
starwars.stillinski maliatate Malia who the hell is this??
maliatate starwars.stiles my friend, dumbass
kyuki layla.loveless you're so pretty!!!
layla.loveless starwars.stiles hiiii I guess kyuki thank you I love your face :)))
starwars.stillinski maliatate how do you know her??
maliatate starwars.stillinski dm me, I don't wanna say it publicly and make her uncomfortable
layla.loveless maliatate it's fine starwars.stillinski we were roommates at Eichen house
starwars.stillinski layla.loveless I've never heard of you tho??
maliatate starwars.stiles she was out like two days before you and she's never really come up in conversation
kyuki layla.loveless ty! 💓💓💓
ashleyyy starwars.stillinski hi ur hot ;)
layla.loveless this entire comment section is a mess

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