chapter five

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dms with scottmca11

hey uh i wasn't sure if you were serious abt me helping you with math but i am totally down

oh that would be great!

ashley tries to help me but she's just not good at explaining stuff lol

yeah i get it

would you wanna meet up sometime maybe?

you know if you want to hang out you could just ask


i mean yes totally i know that

you could always come hang out with all of us

like me, stiles, malia, kira, lydia, liam

ya know

you're cute when you're nervous, scott

but yes i would love that

i would also love help with trig while we're at it

yep no problemo

you're lucky i'm good at math

i suck at english and history

i don't blame you for the english part

i've heard about ur psycho english teacher


as for the history part, you're lucky i'm good at history ;)

i can help you with that when you help me with math


definately! it means a lot that ur willing to help me in the first place

the kids at davenfort prep don't exactly like me so ots refreshing that ur willing to help without even knowing me :)))

its no biggie honestly :)

also, i know it's none of my business, but stiles told me abt that shit those girls were commenting on your post :/

he saw it before they were deleted


you don't have to talk abt it but i just wabted to let you know that i'm here if you ever want to

the whole pack is

thank you scott. you have no idea how much that means to me.


HOT MAMA   ( SCOTT MCCALL )Where stories live. Discover now