chapter three

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dms with scottmca11

hey I just thought you'd like to know that my friend stiles really can't shut up about your friend

lol! ashley is the exact same way, she has been stalking his insta nonstop

I'm sure stiles would love to hear that but I can't risk his ego inflating

yes very understandable lmao

do you guys all go to beacon hills high with malia?

yeah, do you?

I haven't seen you around

no I go to davenport prep


oh okay we have a friend who transferred from there

that's the first time I've heard of anyone believing Liam when he says he "transferred"

wait you know Liam??

haha yeah my little brother is friends with him

or was at least

not to pry but is your brother Brett?


thank god, I could never handle that much testosterone

I was worried for a second

not that there's anything wrong with Brett or something

you're fine Scott

Brett is a dick, most people at davenport are

you don't like it there?

hell no!

I hate it here

everyone thinks they're the shit just because their parents are rich & they'll never have to working for anything in life

sorry I got a little worked up for a hot second lol

no worries

Malia and I will have to introduce you to our pack

not literal pack of course, I just mean our friend group haha

I didn't think you were a pack of wolves 😂

hahahaha yeah nope just a weird wording

you're so weird lol

in a good way of course

thanks I guess

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