Dance like a butterfly Part 6

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Soon after the encounter with Zack at the corner store Zoe had gone home and tried to sleep, though she did take the time to write everything that happened in her new diary and compared it to her previous memories. She'd also perhaps bookmarked a couple dozen stories online with time travel as a trope, purely for research purposes!

She knew her first time meeting Piggy was originally when she went drinking with the guys and big Daniel, and she really only started talking to him after.... well... the fiasco with Gangnam Landlord... Her mission last night had started off as a rousing success, but then she had to have that crazy episode.

'I've never done that before... what's wrong with me?!' Zoe berated herself as she walked to school. THe only good thing was that her Danny-poo had opened up to her incredibly fast. It just showed how kind he was.

As for her... outburst... It was funny, before now she had always been able to stop comments from others from affecting her up till now, but her flashbacks... everything leading up to her death... it left an imprint. Whenever things reminded her too strongly, she would zone out and it was difficult to make sense of where she was. It sometimes felt like she was back there, and she had to escape. It hadn't ever been that strong before though.

Zoe hated feeling so weak! Before, she had never felt even a bit of hesitation of hanging out with  boys if she wanted to, and though she wasn't dumb, she never felt afraid of men near her. Now, she was suddenly very aware of the fact as she commuted to school. 

She even felt a bit nauseous this morning as she made her way to her classroom... the one with multiple extremely strong men, that she would be defenseless against if they ever thought to raise their hands against her.

For some reason this thought stuck in her mind, to the point that her hand began to tremble a bit when she entered the classroom to see Zack and his gang talking smack by the windows.

For some reason this thought stuck in her mind, to the point that her hand began to tremble a bit when she entered the classroom to see Zack and his gang talking smack by the windows

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Zoe forced herself to get over it, and simply walked to her desk while ignoring that side of the room. She tried to distract herself by talking with Mira and the other girls again instead of engage in conversation with the boys like she would have done previously. Thankfully Mira was a pretty sweet girl, and easily included her in conversation.

Soon enough the rest of her classmates began trickling in, including Daniel. he seemed to be acting stiff however, barely seeming to pay any attention when she tried to include him in her conversation.

'Maybe Danny-poo told him what happened yesterday?' Zoe felt her anxiety spike as he seemed too preoccupied to even respond to her. Was he judging her for her breakdown? 

'What did he hear? Crap, do they both think I'm crazy? I screwed up so bad yesterday... I don't want to lose my best friend...' Zoe's thoughts began to run ahead of her control. She really didn't want to lose her best friend.

While Zoe had chosen her Danny-poo, she could admit to herself that Daniel did fill a special part of her heart. He had become her best friend at school, and he was a sweetheart too. She actually wanted to regain that closeness with him and the rest of the gang too, even Zack... 

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