Chapter 14!
I woke up at 3am, I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and made my self a coffee. I woke cai up while doing it
"hey babes, lauren still crying?" cai asked kissing my forehead.
" no, just can't sleep thinking about things."
"what things?" he questioned.
"lauren having her baby, I could of had our baby after lauren couldn't i?"
"awh babes, don't worry you never know the future" he said giving me a hug.
I loved his hugs, then we went to sit on the sofa and fell asleep together. I got woken up by lauren putting a blanket over us while talking to neil about last night, I so pretented to sleep.
"do you even remember last night?" I heard lauren say.
"no, did I drink that much, what happened"
" well, I'll tell you, that slag called tamara tried to try it on with you" she shouted
"babe, don't shout I've got pounding headache and them two love bird are asleep"he said
"do you love me, babe" she asked.
"yeah, now let go upstairs and I'll show you my love" he whispered
All I knew Lauren was giggling up the stairs. oh god need ear muffs now, I turn the tv on and woke cai and told him what was going to happen. we turned the tv up a bit louder so we couldn't hear and cuddled up on the sofa together under the blanket .
Hour Later...
Finally finished they came back downstairs and cuddled on the open sofa bed neil had slept on.
"Zo,I've been thinking will you be my chief bridesmaid and my extra birthing partner?"
"yeah, I'd be happy to"
I was glad she asked me that cause we've been inseparable since birth and I classed her as my half sister. We all watched Jeremy Kyle together. Me and cai had to get ready I had a hospital check up after from after the car crash plus lauren had the midwife coming to check something out the baby. Cai still wouldn't let me drive cause of the accident so cai drove me to hospital and came in for the appointment cause he want to ask the doctors questions.
" so you look fine, you arm won't heel for another week but we will change your dressing."
I nodded then cai butted in
" doctor, I have a question will we be able to have children again?"
"cai, Shh, stop hassling him" I warned
" no good question , yeah it's been a month since the crash and the misscarigde so yeah no reason not to."
An instant smile came on his face. I could tell he wanted children so bad, all this pregnancy with lauren made him soft. We left the hospital and he had a massive grin on his face still, bless him.
"babe, you can stop smiling now" I said.
"can we?" he asked still smiling.
"try for a baby, our baby"
"urm, yeah sure why not" I said giving him a hug.
Why not?, we are both seventeen and we've been together 10 months now. I knew he was the one cause they way he acted from the crash.
Hey Wattpad
It 12am and I can't sleep so I'm uploading chapter 14:) hope you like
Might not have time to upload chatper15 tommorow cause a day with the best friend;) but I'll try okay?
Zoe x
I Need You Now
Romancelife's not as simple as Zoe seems to be. Heartbreak and friendship. Her best friend Lauren helps her throu life but laurennis about to become a teen mom will there freindship change?