(GakuTenn short) You're so picky,Tenn!

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Gaku and Tenn had been dating for several months now. It had been nearly four years since they'd initially known one another and almost two since they'd formed Trigger.

Love comes in many forms, and theirs was basically either an argument or a fluffy cuddle session with words exchanged like "I love you," or, "what would I do without you?"

However, the one thing Gaku struggles with is Tenn's choice. He'd never had a problem with this group of people before, honestly, he didn't care what they do or don't eat.

However, what many people do not know about the famous centre of Trigger, was that he was, in fact, a vegan.

At first, this didn't bother Gaku, as he didn't need to run around after the small boy like a husband to a pregnant wife. But, upon the third month of them dating, Gaku was relied on to get groceries, while Tenn cleaned.

It was very tedious and expensive buying Vegan things. He had to triple check, try his best to save money because it was so expensive and make sure he got exactly what Tenn wanted.

There was one point that Gaku got the wrong vegetarian sausages so he decided to play a prank.

He told Tenn that he'd accidentally made real ones that he'd eaten. But soon apologised the entirety of rest of the night as Tenn stuck his fingers down his throat and threw up in the bathroom until he passed out at three am.

Tenn wasn't so hostile that he wouldn't let people eat in front of him, he just threw casual insults like "Imagine if I killed and ate your mum and grandparents, while you were there wondering where the heck they were" or, his favourite "Salmonella" whenever one was to eat a chicken or some fish.

Being vegan made Tenn very vulnerable to easy weight loss and the company's diet would've killed him off because the amount of working out didn't work with the lack of meat.Therefore he was allowed to eat sweets and such; in front of Gaku!

This particular morning, Gaku was awoken to a weight on his stomach. "Gaku!Gaku!Gaku!" The whine sounded. The weight on Gaku's stomach increased and the whine louder.

Groaning, Gaku opened his eyes and glared at Tenn. "What?" Gaku groaned, voice hoarse and dry.

"We ran out of sausages, ice-cream and apples..." he said, leaning down and kissing Gaku quickly on the lips.

"Go get some then. I can wait" he groaned. Slowly, he began to sit up and continued on until he was facing Tenn.

"Come with me!" Tenn demanded, putting his arms loosely over Gaku's shoulders and crossing his hands behind his lovers neck.

"But it's our day off and I don't wa-...." Gaku cut himself off when Tenn looked down to his side with a hurt pout.

"Fine. Fine. I'll get dressed."

Despite the confusions and fights, the irritating fact that Tenn was vegan, Gaku would always give in to that sweet face. Each and every time.


The next chapter will be up like normal! But vegan Tenn is my headcanon so....

Hope you enjoyed. Decided to write fluff before next chapter which is the Matsuri boys.

Later crew~Fleet.

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