The big problem part two

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"This creature just burst in here, said something weird and left. I was barely able to fight it. Oh this tea is too hot"Mr. Keri said.

I look around and check his office. This is such a mess. "What did it look like?"Honey said. "So image you put a whale and a dinosaur and some hair into a blender then pour that with a human sized ice tray and froze it and let it thaw just a little"he said as my phone ring.

"I need to take this call. I be outside the office"I whisper to Honey as I walk out and pick it up. "Hello?"I said. "Hello sister"said a familiar voice. "Um I'm doing something right now and I still haven't decide yet"I whisper as I roll my eyes. 

I mean I just saw him a few hours ago and you wanted to see me again? I knew no one can resist me. "Meet me at the empty warehouse where we first met when you are done. Don't forget"he said. "I will and don't worry"I said then I end the call. 

"Oh I'm a monster hunter now so I came prepared"Fred said, smelling bad as I came in. What is that smell coming from? "Um Freddie, you know garlic is for vampires, right?"Honey lemon said as I walk back in. "Yes"he said as he took a bite out of it. 

I think I have my answer. I shook my head and look away. Now that is just wrong and gross at the same time. "I have to go somewhere. Like right now"I said as I walk away. "Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to meet Hiro during Lunch?"Go-go said. 

Shit, I totally forget with my brother appearing and stuff. I turn around and smile at them. "Um I have to work for an extra project for my English teacher"I said. "Then we tell Hiro when we see him"Honey said. "Okay thanks!"I said then I flew away. 
I landed to the empty warehouse. 

I walk in and found my brother, all alone and sitting down with a book in his hand. "Obake"I said as I hug him. He pet my hair then we heard chuckle. "I see you got one of the hero's girlfriend. Time to attack!"someone yelled then I made my blades appear. 

I slice them then I saw some purple gloop? "Globby?"I said as it turn back into one. "In the flesh well in gloop. You know what I mean"he said. "I think I do. Are the othere here as well?"I said as I look around. The other appear and I made the blades disappear. 

"Why are they here?"I said. "They wouldn't harm you and if they do, I make sure they will pay"he said as the other nod. "We just wanted to see you. It nice to have another girl in our team"said Momakase as she put her hand out. 

"Understandable"I said as I shook her hand. She nod then noddle boy appear. "Hello princess. My you look pretty today"he said. "Aw thanks"I said as I pet his head. "So down to business, I want you to do something"he said. 

"Um I am still not in the team. I mean I didn't made my choices yet"I said as I put my hand on my waist. "I know but I want you to have a great future and I know that Hiro will hurt you. I need you to be safe"he said as he cup my cheek. 

"I am a strong girl. I give you the answer at midnight alright?"I said as I smile. He nod and kiss my forehead. "I hope you know what you are doing"he said. "I know what I am doing"I said then I walk away. 

"It was nice meeting you, princess! We ope to see you again!"Noddle boy said as Globby wave goodbye. "I show her the way out"Momakase said as Obake nod. I follow her then she turn me around, going on one knee. 

"I want you to know that we need you in our team. You have the skill and the mindset. All you need to do is leave those brat and join us"she said. "Those brat are my friend"I said as I turn around. I tap my heels and I flew home. 

I arrive at the back of the cafe and put my armor away. 

Time to go home. I open the door and saw my friends. "How could I be so stupid...and what's that smell?"Hiro said as he put his head up. "Oh I'm being rude. You want some? I definitely like it and this is not just pretending that I don't know what garlic is for"Fred said.

"Um I don't think that is supposed to make him feel better"I said then he look at me. He ran toward me and hug me. "Whoa! What brought you down?"I said as I hug him back. "I don't want to talk about it"he said.

"Well maybe Granville is right. Liv is more interested in Karmi's work than your and that's making you feel-"Honey said but Hiro cut her off. "If you're gonna say jealous, no. I'm not definitely not jealous. There's nothing to be jealous of"he said as he let me go.

"I was going to say insecure but now it's sounding like you are jealous"Honey lemon said. "And why you should you be jealous? You are more better then her in so many ways I can think of"I said as I cup Hiro's cheek. He look at me then look away.

"Guys should we be trying and track down this monster right now?"he said as he look at our friend. "Yes! We're going to see Orso Knox this afternoon to see if there's connection with the monster"Fred said as he ate another garlic.

"Do you want a mint? Or some gum?"Honey lemon said as she move away a little. "Or anything that get the bad smell away?"I whisper as I fold my arm. "No. Why?"he said as I look away and try to find some fresh air.
"Mr. Knox?"Hiro said as he knock Knox's door.

The door open by itself. We all look at each other and then went inside. "Mr. Knox? The door was open. May we come in?'Honey said but his office was a mess. What happen here. I look around and gulp. This look so scary. Please tell me there is no killer here.

"Whoa. This office is"Hiro said then I touch his shoulder. "Wasabi's worst nightmare"Fred said as I went toward the desk with honey lemon. "Tell me about it. I am glad he isn't here or else we have to hear him complain"I said to myself.

I look down and something familiar. A book. Where have I seen this before? I felt like I seen it before but where? I open the book then saw a picture of a girl, coming out of the stick? I turn the page then saw Moon? 

Is this a book about her?! Why would he have a book about her? I whine as my head started to hurt. What is going on, what is happening to me? "Alison!"Honey's voice rang as I fell down.I groan as my eyes started to closed.
"All the devil are here!"Honey lemon yelled as I woke up.

"I didn't do it!"I yelled then push my hair back. "Alison!"Hiro yelled as he hug me. "What happen? How did I get here?"I said as he walk back. "You fainted after you saw this"Fred said as he hand me a book. 

I look at the cover and saw moon. Right, I remember. "Oh, well what inform did you guys get when I was um knock out?"I said as I put the book down. "Oh the tempest! Right!"Honey said as she wave her phone a little. "The what?"Hiro and I said. 

"The Shakespeare play. All the devil are here, this thing of darkness I acknowledge mine, what's past is prologue. Their quotes from the tempest!"she said. "So the monster a Shakespeare fan?"Hiro said as he shrug his shoulder.

"No but Orso Knox was. I think the monster was Orso Knox"she said as Baymax repeat the last part with Honey. "What?"I said as Fred said something really fast. "I met the iris on the photo of Orso Knox. It matched with the monster"Baymax said as he show a image.

"What happened to him? Some kind of genetic mutation?"Honey lemon said. "Or some freak accident?"I said as I look closer to the monster and Mr.Knox. "Wait a minute. Fred's house, Krei's office?"Hiro said as he look at the tablet.

"He been keeping his appointments"Honey lemon said as I sat next to Hiro. "Which means the next place he is going is"he said as he pull his finger out. "SFIT gala"They said all together. "The what now?"I said as I look at them.

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