The big problem

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"Give it up human fist. The ring of wearing belong to me!"Fred said.

I went to Fred's house because his mother ask me to visit her. I don't know why but I went anyway since I didn't want to upset her. She told me to wait with Fred. "Over my dead phalanges Dr. Gloves"Fred said in another voice. "Is Dr. Glove is just an hand?"Mini-max said.

"You see he is the left and Fist was the right They both are brothers until-"he but something stop him. "Fredrick, are you dressed for dinner? We have an very important guest tonight or so nah. Also find something for Alison to wear"His mother said in the loud speaker. 

"Yeah mom. Just pressing my cumberbund and then I will find something for her!"Fred yelled as Mini-max ran toward me. I pick him up as Fred stood up. "What up,my little Phoenix!"he said as we high five each other.

He like calling me that because of his favorite superheroes, the phoenix who is just a normal girl but when she put her mask on, she become phoenix girl who save people and stuff. "What is a cumberbund?"Mini-max said as he climb to the top of my head. 

He is so cute. "Literally no one knows"he said as he pick up Mini-max from my head and went back to his story. I sigh and touch my bare neck. I look down and remember about my necklace. It gone already. I have a habit to rub on it before.

The ground started to shake as I look around. "Mini-max, Alison did you hear that?"Fred said. "Yes. That is the sound of mischief"Mini-max said then a monster appear. It look awful! Mini max jump to action. 

"No!"I yelled as I try to catch him. The monster caught him and threw him away. "NO! You did not do that to the adorable little robot!"I yelled them my hand started to glow. Fred threw the beanbag at it but it rip it to pieces. Fred doge as I ran after it.

The monster took a huge bit of the picture and I shot a blue glowing ball at it. Wait? Did I just used magic? The monster hiss at it,letting go of the painting. "Now leave or else!"I said as it look at me. It step closer to me and Fred hug me from behind.

"Please don't kill us!"he yelled then the monster rose up. It started to speak but I don't understand it. I wonder what it is trying to say. The monster jump and ran away. The door open and his mom enter.

"You're not even dress and look at her. She is a mess"His mom said as she pull me close to her. She started to clean dust as I look at the wall. The little thing fell down as I gasp. "Let go and see what we can find for you"his mom said as she lead me upstairs.

*Play intro music*
I push my hair back.

His mom found a navy blue lace retro A-line high, neck short sleeve, Knee length dress for me and curl my hair. She cancel the dinner plan but let me keep the dress. I thank her and walk downstairs. "Okay so what it look like?"I heard Hiro said. 

"Guys, you are here"I said then Hiro blush. "What?"I said. "You got something on your face"Hiro said. "He is talking about the makeup"Go-go said with her arm folded and I blush. "I forgot to take it off"I said. "Leave it on. Um go on Fred"Hiro said then look away

"So image you put a whale and a dinosaur and some hair into a blender then pour that with a human sized ice tray and froze it and let it thaw just a little"Fred said. "Wow, really?"Go-go said. "I can provide visual confirmation"Mini-max said.

"Omg you are okay!"I said as some tear fall down. Baymax gave me some tissue so I can wipe off the makeup. "Huh that actually looks like Fred's description"Go-go said as I look at the image. "Baymax?"Hiro said, holding of what was left of Fred's father painting. 

"I will scab for DNA traces"Baymax said as he hold up one finger. "Must have been an old enemy of my dad. It said what past is prologue which sounds like something a monster out of revenge would say"Fred said as Go-go put a finger on his forehead. 

"A monster seriously?"Go-go said. "And he ate his portrait"Hiro said. "And attack his home"I said as I look away. Fred look at me and I shook my head no. I don't want Hiro to know about my power and that it came back. "The DNA does not match any known species"Baymax said.

"Coolest dad ever!"Fred yelled.  At least he forgot about my power. I look at the hole again then at the sky. "I wonder what my brother is doing"I whisper. A star bright up then I close my eyes. "What should I do?"I said.
I walk to school today late then usual

I hope my aunt isn't mad at me for being late. I bump into someone and I gasp. Speak of the name of Zeus, it is my aunt but smiling. "Um, are you okay?"I said. "Never been better"She said then push me. We enter into the labs and then saw stack of papers. 

"What is going on here? Studying?"I said. "Straighten up the lab. There's a important visitor coming"she said then she glare at me. "You are not going to look like that. Honey lemon, help her with her clothes"she said as she push me toward Honey lemon. 

"What wrong with I am wearing?"I said. I put on a blue collar tee-shirt and some black ripped jean. I also added some chain belt with some spike bracelet. I huff and walk away. I really shouldn't care about what she say. 

"Um excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Granville?"said a blonde lady. "She is in the lab. Now I have to go before an important visitor come and see me"I said. "Why? You look perfect just the way you are"she said. Then you have no fashion taste, lady. 

"I know but I always listen to Miss. Granville since she is my aunt"I said. She glare at me and gasp. "You are her niece, Alison Luna! Am I right?"she said. How does she know about me? "Yeah?"I said. 

"I watch your blog and saw everything. Even your art work! I would love for you to join me for lunch"she said. "Oh um okay?"I said then she walk away. What just happen? I brush my hair then walk away.  

"Alison"someone whisper then I look at around. Who is calling my name? I look and saw my brother. "What are you doing here?"I said as I put my fist up. "I am here to talk to you. About my plan"he said. 

"Your plan?"I said. "Yes and I decide that I wasn't fair to you. Now I will be fair with you right now. I give you time to be with us or be with big hero six. I am giving you this ring"he said then threw something at me. I caught it then look at it.

"Once you made your choice, tap the ring and we will chat. I hope you make the right decision. I know you will"he said then he walk away. "Wait!"I yelled and he turn around. "Yes?"he grin. "I want to say that I am glad to see you"I said.

"Glad? To see me?"he said. "Yes. I missed you. I know I am on the good side and you are in the bad side but I really wanted to see you as my brother. I want to know what happen between us during all this years"I said then he look away. "The truth is I miss you too"he said.

I ran toward him and hug him. He gasp then I look up. "You don't how to hug back? And I thought you were smart"I said. He chuckle then hug me back. "You are one weird girl"he said. "And you are my brother"I said and he chuckle again.

"Yes, I am. Used your ring to call me and I send someone to pick you up. Make sure no one is there so we can spend some time together as sibling, not enemy"he said then he walk from me. I chuckle then push my glasses in. I put on the ring then saw something.

"Only the bravest one can finish their dream"I whisper then smile again. He may be a villain and is against big hero six but he is actually a really good brother. I put my hand in my pocket and walk away.

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