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I wanted a break up with Morris but now that I had it, I hated myself for hurting the person who stood by me, would he ever forgive me and understand? Was there anything that he was supposed to understand? I was ungrateful, I had always been self-centered and maybe I was better on my own. I missed the old me before all the campus drama but I had to face the day after all I had Victor after what felt like millenniums.

Today I attended my morning class normally, it was already eleven but I had neither seen Victor nor Morris, I still didn't want to see Morris after the breakup which I well deserved. I dragged myself lazily to my next class which I knew would be better than my previous one for Hayley would be there. I hadn't found the chance to tell her about my date with Vic face to face we had only talked over the phone which was harder to give her all the details and let her judge my expressions as I narrated everything.

"Hey girlfie, I have really missed you." Hayley approached from behind me

I hugged her and smiled missed you more, I hope you saved me a seat? I said to her.

"How could I not when we have a full movie to discuss." She said as we walked to the class.

People had already taken their seats; the class was almost full this was the problem of having a common unit, although it was an advantage to the noise makers. I followed Hayley to the seats she had saved for us without looking around. I hated the heat and the noise if this was an afternoon class then I would have convinced Hayley for us to miss it, it would make no difference at all. Everyone passed the test and the lecture was not so tough during his marking.

As I settled to my seat, I heard his laughter, I was very sure that it was him, but why didn't he call me as I entered the room? Maybe he never saw me, I turned to the direction the laughter came from smiling only to be met by a lady's face the worst was that she was sitting on Victor.

How could he do this to me and who was the lady sitting on him? Was he just messing with me last weekend? Just the view of how they were sitting hurt me, I pushed my chair backwards roughly trying to escape the view of them as I tried to walk outside the lecture room, the lecturer entered the class and ordered students to settle but I couldn't concentrate so I took my bag and rushed out. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I walked down the corridor to the washrooms.

Why was I crying? Just because we went on one date didn't mean that everything was okay I stupidly kissed him at the movies, I had brought all this to myself, I couldn't help but cry uncontrollably, my mother told me that it was right to be angry and a better way of trying to let it out was by crying and let the anger drain in form of tears, I was lucky that most people were in their lecture rooms so I was the only audience of my drama.

This was the moment I wanted revenge, Victor wouldn't continue playing with my heart and toss it just the way he wanted this was my chance to get him.

I walked back to class confidently ready to face anything, I met with Morris he looked broken maybe he had seen Victor and pitted me. As he reached to me he pushed me into a tight hug but my feelings were numb, I was emotionless, I tried to hug him back but it felt nothing.

"It's okay Morris maybe I deserve it and I must face it either way so I am going back to class I don't want to miss any lecture because of my un-explainable feelings, thank you for supporting me even though I am not worth it." I said to Morris. He seemed shocked by my choice of words and confidence but he let me be and held my hand as we walked back to the lecture room.

I made sure to smile at Victor and the lady next to him just like nothing had happened as I entered the room , we were lucky the lecturer didn't bother to question us he just let us walk to the empty seats as he continued with his lectures. I didn't put my mind into what the lecturer was talking about, I was thinking about pay back and revenge it was what I needed. This lesson was a turn off from what expected, just then received a text from him.

*I miss you, I came to this class so that I could sit with you too bad you are in the front see and I am stuck here with Alex and this ladies #don't know their names.

I debated whether to reply to ignore it or reply to it, this was a good start.

Victor's POV

I wanted to surprise Carine by going to her life skill class, it was a common unit so the lecturer wouldn't notice any new faces, I convinced Alex to join us since Justin and Morris were taking the unit, We sat at the back seats like we were supposed to be there. I was eager to see her again, I had plans of how I would hug her and kiss her so to show everyone that we were back together that was when Alex invited some ladies over to where we were sitting they were both pretty on the other days one would be Justin's but Justin already had one sitting beside her and one of the ladies decided to sit on me, "No no no I laughed loudly don't sit on me I already have a girlfriend, Alex invited you here so go to him." I said to her. She was reluctant to stand, I heard someone push a chair roughly to the floor, I wanted to make fin and remind the person that the chair wasn't their property so they should be easy on them and that was when I saw it was Carine.

 She seemed furious maybe she had seen the lady sitting on me and thought that I was entertaining her. I pushed the lady and stood to catch up with Carine just then the lecturer walked in she didn't stop walking instead she took her bag and rushed out, seconds later Morris followed her out. I sat down wondering what she thought about what she saw. I was trouble, Hayley looked at me with hatred as she stood to walk out, but before she did the lecture called out saying that no one else should walk out of his class if they knew they wanted to skip the lesson they would have left before he came in and everyone else was stuck with him. Hayley sat down angrily but she wouldn't stop staring at me with murderous eyes.

I took my phone to text Carine and explain the situation just then, they walked in like nothing had happened; she gave me a smile and sat next to Morris I was unable to respond to her reaction her emotions were at times difficult to understand. I sent her a text

*I miss you, I came to this class so that I could sit with you too bad you are in the front see and I am stuck here with Alex and this ladies #don't know their names

I saw her reading the text and putting her phone back and the smile in my heart faded, this was not what I expected it was a turn off, minutes later she replied

*woow, that is sweet, I had to rush out too bad didn't make it beside you

Victor- *Do I have to concentrate to the lectures for you?

Carine- * Nop I got this, I would be distracted if I sat beside you

Victor-* I would concentrate more with you here. Kindly show me your dimple *kissy face

Carine-* now that is distractive.

Victor-* please babe..

Carine-* sorry I need to concentrate, see you later.

Victor-*Okay miss its your word against mine.

I felt flattered that she was not angry with me at all. I would explain to her about everything after the lecture.

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