Diseases of our age

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The present document confirms that Main Ministry of Health in association with different well-known medics of various countries have formed a list of diseases, common for the modern generation of individuals, calling themselves "Homo Sapiens".

We, authors of this list, don't apply for completeness of description and characteristic of all illnesses, so casual for individuals of our generation, but still hope that given classification will be able to clarify the already uneasy question of preservation of so-called "spiritual", as well as so-called "physical" health. Let us note that due to the exceptional conditionality of similar division we are unable to classify separate illnesses as belonging exclusively to the first or second group, for, in fact, they are a consequence of infringement of processes of healthy individual activity (HIA) as a whole.

The list of diseases of our century in addition with their brief description follows.

1. "Spiteful"

General description. As a rule of thumb, the indicated ailment is spontaneously arising in a short-term duration by its nature, however, in some neglected cases it can become a permanent trait of personality. Medical science hasn't been able to define till now a constant enough and a certain list of reasons causing represented disease, although specific observations have nevertheless been collected. It has been noticed that given illness in its permanent form can be triggered by such diseases as "Ugly Duckling", "Victim" and several other illnesses with similar semiology, however, similar law has its exceptions for the reasons unknown, which gives us reasons to make an assumption of the soul-genetical predisposition of separate individuals to this disease.

Symptoms. Those suffering from this disease can be distinguished by their increased irritability, the pessimism of views on surrounding reality (independently of surrounding them an objective reality), being the consequence of spontaneously manifested by them hatred and anger, concerning other individuals being in contact with them.

Treatment methods. For the purpose of treatment of current illness, universal revitalizing remedy "Kindness" has been proven as a most effective mean. In especially heavy forms of a clinical course usage of antibiotic "Suggestion" becomes possible. Contraindicated for application is the vaccine "Humiliation".

2. "Hated"

General description. In its semiology, this disease is similar to manifestations of "Spiteful" one, which has given some experts a reason to consider this disease as its aggravated form. It should be noted that easy forms of this illness can cause along with "Spiteful" a set of other illnesses, including "Ugly Duckling", "Fearful" (mainly in the form of the protective reaction of individual), "Star-like" and especially "Lord".

Symptoms. The extremely negative attitude of the individual almost to each and every aspect of manifestation and functioning of surrounding reality. Easy forms of the disease have a spontaneous character on its manifestation in the form of the negative reaction of the individual to this or that vital circumstance. Heavy forms of the illness are characterized by a permanent negative attitude of the individual to other individuals and various aspects of manifestation of objective reality as it is.

Treatment methods. Universal revitalizing remedy "Kindness" was considered as the only effective mean of curing (especially in case of an easy form of course of a disease), which usage, however, can be restricted to the majority of patients due to artificially high prices, formed by huge overestimated demand along with significantly lower amounts of supply.

3. "Fearful/Timid"

General description. According to the latest researches, the cause of the emergence of this illness lies in the insufficient production of a "Self-confidence" hormone in the organism of the individual. By its signs specified illness is almost an exact copy of the previously discovered "Timid" disease, so in this connection experts in the field have made a decision to consider both of them as one. It's necessary to clearly distinguish forms of protective reactions of the organism, trying to overcome this disease, from the traits of a "Hero" condition, even though they can look extremely similar in external forms of manifestation. Along with that, it's also necessary to note that is some situations symptoms of manifestation of this illness can be similar by results to a positive effect of "Reason" enzyme, which can considerably complicate the analysis of an objective condition of the patient.

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