Beloved one

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He triumphed. He was in seventh heaven. She loves him! Loves!

He heard it from her lips, she told him that! And there was not a sign of falseness and lie, no room for deceit. He anticipated it, felt it with his very bones. He knew that she was telling the truth. Something that she was experiencing. Something that was worrying her. Something she was dreaming about. Something she told him this wonderful spring evening.

The evening which he cherished in dreams and awaited. Evening to fulfill his past dream. The evening which made him alive once again – as if to be born anew. Silent spring evening...

He was saying that he has fallen in love with her, that his heart trembles when he looks at her, admiring, that he's glad to have met her in this magnificent world. World's ornament, a pearl, a sunray.

He kept speaking and saw how a charming and mysterious smile has appeared on her face. And when he finally has stopped, he heard these words. These words! Great music, fine music, music from her heart.

"I love you. I too love you. And desire to be with you forever."

Words sounded gently and mysteriously silently – but not for him. He shouted it all loudly, having no fear or hesitation of his feeling. That way so all can hear him – to be heard by the entire world. So that the entire world can rejoice together with him.

"I love you! I do love you!"

Words soared high and widely.

That's the way it's going to be. He will sing of own love, fearing no one, feeling no hesitation for he has nothing to be afraid of. It seemed as if heavens itself have smiled during this instant of time – smiled, blessing the love.

His voice versed highly in heavens. Casual passers-by were still continuing to look back at them, singing of their love. Some of them were even smiling.

And then they have been standing together for a long time, embraced. So totally close to each other. She has become a native one to him – a woman, close to his heart and soul. She was such a one even before these words, and not just after. For he did love her and not his own love instead. He loved her and was glad to give his love to another.

And they were running forward and forward, and fresh air was blowing in their faces, and the sun was playing on them. Much like the sun, feelings of two enamored hearts were shining in their souls.

And then a late evening came. Came so extraordinary quickly. And he accompanied her to her home – and said goodbye until tomorrow. Yes, until tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a new wonderful day, and they shall meet again, as always. Two close to each other persons, two similar hearts...

They have been meeting time and again, for days and weeks. Months. And every day gave something new. Offered the joy of talking with each other without rage, anger, and offenses, with no sign of pain. Gave perception of inner depth of darling and dear one. Powers for joyful young blossoming life.

A year later they have got married and lived together for three years. Three years...

And then he received a letter from his beloved. A touching letter. A farewell letter.


A man with the cheerful and kind look – the sight of young man, completely hiding from random passer-by his already elderly age – has smiled sadly and put an envelope aside. Then, seventeen years ago he has received this letter of his beloved.

A farewell letter. A letter that was full of light grief and long forgotten memoirs. He was reading through it, and tears were slowly sliding on his coarse cheeks. He was crying. These eyes, crying so seldom, were now crying nevertheless. He was remembering his former life, their love – and thus he was crying. He hasn't ceased to love her. Hasn't ceased. And that is why he was crying.

After all, he sincerely believed that they won't ever part ways. Ever. He was mistaken, cruelly mistaken... Cruelly? But can he say that he's unhappy for now? He has a wife – a wonderful and lovely woman, whom he loves as well and of whom he cares as strongly as he once did in relation to that woman. He has remarkable children, a boy, and a girl, his hope and joy – two suns, two miracles. He is happy.

It's just... simply old memoirs still chafe his mind, tormenting his soul. He can't forget the day when he has received this letter. Tears were filling his eyes that day – the same as now. And she was crying as well while writing this letter to him. They remained as they are, her tears, on sheets of this paper, which he was holding so gently and quaveringly in his hands.

What was she crying about these days? Of their parting? Of their intimate dreams of long joint life which had no chance to come true? Of their common love?

He didn't know – she gave no response. Was only crying and has sent him this letter. The letter...

Here it is before him. Semi-erased lines and words. But it didn't disturb him – he remembered it by heart. Each and every word.

Indeed, she has found another – the one whom she too loves very much and can't live. She has fallen in love with another. And does she continue loving him as well? Remembers occasionally with gratitude?

He knew no answer, once again there was no answer for yet another question. Yet he distinctly knew one thing – he has continued loving her, remembering with gratitude. He was grateful to her for all those bright minutes of life, which she has given him.

May she be happy with her new beloved, may all is going well for both of them! Yes, let her be happy! He wished her happiness from the bottom of own heart. He wished good luck for that new man as well, with whom she has been living for now. For he is a person as well and thus he deserves happiness.

Let them be happy! Let all loving ones be happy as well! Let them learn to love, demanding nothing in return. Let them learn the giving love, love like the sun.

"Yes," he has thought, "let it be so. So be it!"


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