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Over the past few months since she met Alex, Rose noticed how much she had changed. He was one of the few people she felt happy around, if of course you didn't count her dead parents. There were moments when she felt like crying, and don't get me wrong, it was a complicated relationship. They weren't in a 'relationship', though Rose did think about this a few times, before quickly distracting herself with something else, realising that it could never happen. All she knew is that she wanted him in her life, through both good and bad. Every day she would make it her routine to visit him by the trees and talk. Many people judged her, and she was really confused how pictures of her talking to him by the trees made it into the news, labeled: '#RelationshipGoals'. However, she didn't let that stop her. Even a day without hearing from him made her anxious. What if his father gave him a fresh scar? Rose shivered, taking the thought out of her mind. I'm sat beneath the tree with him now, and he is safe, she thought. Perfectly safe. 

"Rose? Rose? Hello?" It was Alex, peering down at her as she continuously stared into his dark brown eyes, his brown hair shadowing over them.

"Sorry, I must have been day dreaming." Rose twirled her hair around her finger.

"At the same time as staring right at me?" Alex now blushing.

"Who says I can't?" Alex just laughed, to Rose's surprise, so she joined in, glad he didn't know what she was really thinking. 



"I know you don't want to tell me much, but I-I want to know if you're ok."

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine," Alex responded nervously laughing, avoiding her eye contact.

"Yesterday, you didn't turn up at school until half an hour after the bell, but I couldn't help but noticed the fresh blood dripping down from your neck." Rose looked towards Alex, who was still avoiding her eye contact. 

"It's complicated."

"Alex, I don't want you to get hurt. I really don't. Just tell me that if it gets bad, you'll tell me. I'm here for you."

He nodded, then wrapped his arm around her, looking above into the cloudy sky. 

"Hey. See that cloud over there?" Alex pointed up into the sky, "Doesn't it look like us?"

Rose looked up and saw, clearer than ever, a cloud, shaped perfectly like Alex and her. Only, they  weren't separated - they were together, as one. 

Alex grinned at her, "Maybe the news weren't wrong!"

For the next few minutes Rose felt more at peace than she ever had. As Alex wrapped his arm around her, she felt something she couldn't describe. She felt a warm feeling inside, despite the outside being so cold as she leaned against him. Rose really had changed since her parents died. He had helped her grow into something much more than 'an arrogant mess', but rather 'hopeful'.

"OI! Rose! How is your 'relationship' going with Alex?" Rose ignored the jealous shouts as she walked through the corridor. 

"Ha! The news are just stretching it. I heard she never has even been on a date with anybody in her life! The only person she has in her life is that ugly-looking grandma of hers." Rose grew furious, but said nothing, knowing it wouldn't end well from experience. As she walked past, she felt a familiar firm grip on her shoulder and a familiar voice say, "Of course she has a boyfriend. What did you think they meant? Honestly, use your brain." As Rose turned her head she noticed Alex standing there.

"Ooooo! Didn't know you were dating her. Surprised why she chose you. You look like you might beat someone up with those scars!" Furioser than ever, Rose turned to face the girl who made this rude comment. 

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT HIM! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT EITHER OF US, SO WHY DON'T YOU GO AND FUCK YOURSELF!" Rose's yells and raised fist was enough for her to flee. Soon after, she tilted her head towards Alex. "Are you asking me out for real?"

He grinned then replied, "Of course! Well, they already think we do date, but would you like to? Rose flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly before backing away and replying, "OMG like YES!" 

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