Week 4/ A new Luci/

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Three week later

Sam's pov.

I untangled my self from Gabe's wings, and limbs as the sun peeked up from the trees and sighed. We had taken to sharing his bed more often then not. I sighed as I got up and got dressed. As I when down the stairs I saw that X, Tenebris, Merlin, Sherlock, Mycroft, Arthur and Mage were up along with the girls from the peguise cabin. They had cups of tea from the smell and we're talking about odds and ends. Tenebris looked at me and smiled as she greeted me," Morning Sammy."
"Good Morning Sam," Merlin greeted.
Arthur, Sherlock and Mage all nodded to me as it looked like they were still half asleep. Mycroft smiled softly and said," Greetings Sam."
X grumbled," I hate mornings."
"Then why are up then Sis?"
"Because if I am not then something's going to happen."
"Something will happen anyways X,"
Tenebris stated. X huffed and countied to sip on her tea. I sat down and mubled out a," Morning to you guys too."
"You seem tired Sam... What happened?" Merlin asked. I sighed and responded," Haven't been sleeping well lately."
"Cause of that thing or?" Tenebris asked. I nodded and she said," pitty. X here might be able to help with that... Might"
"Hardly doubt that love... If it's a supernatural thing you would better off with Mage over there"
Mage shook her head and replied," Sorry can't help with that. Gabriel might, He seems to be a better healer than I am. Not as good some others but he's good.
Tenebris shook her head and said," Ralphy would be a better fit for a healer."
"Why you all talking about Raphael?" I heard Gabriel ask. I turned around to see him standing there without a jacket. His golden wings seemed to glow. Tenebris coughed and said," Gabe... Wings."
The Archangel blushed, snapped than was covered with a blanket. I heard Tenebris sigh while Gabriel sat down. Just than Tenebris, X,  and Mage's phones whent off. 

"Dame... that's not good..." Tenebris asked. 

Tenebris pov.

I flapped my wings and me, X, and Mage to LA. X took out a toothpick and stuck it in her teeth. Mage huffed at and said," ok I get X... but why me?"

"because you are the first mage," I head a voice. I chuckled and turned to see the devil himself. 

"Lucifer Morningstar... Nice seeing you," I smiled and he chuckled," Sister. Did you got my call then?" 

I chuckled and said," Big Bro... you know I don't cross reality barriers like this... speak."

"Bloody hell...Tenes... The reality is crumbling Tenes... I don't have any idea how... Hell is bursting from below and heavens gone in a full turn over and Dad is acting like mum." 

Mage and X blinked their eyes and Tenebris sighed," Fine... girls you ready stitch another reality?" 

"again?" Mage replied.

"More like intertwine this one with the other... ready?" Tenebris asked. X looked at Lucifer and asked," Hold on a minute... your the devil, aren't you? Don't we have a Lucifer in town?"

"Karman... we don't talk about this right now," I hissed at her. Lucifer looked at me and asked," Not that thing..."

"Luci... You did that you're self! Sending mum to another universe. She bloody transformed... That place wasn't empty! she became Eve Luci... and because of that, I have to reset things once again... I don't like doing that." 

My wings unfurled from my back six wings, two sets, one a dark purple set of angel wings, the second one a black tinted purple dragon scaled wings, then the last pair a black pair of demon wings. X and Mage smiled at the look of my wings. My annoying Big Brother from this reality look was one of complete and total betray, confusion, and disgust.

"How the bloody hey Tenebris?" he asked. I chuckled and said, "Luci were you're going there is a lot you might want to know about and That includes Pops."

I snapped my fingers and the realities began to sew into each other, storeys being rewritten and people being added, memories being crafted and replaced.  As the scene returned to the camp Lucifer with us and to no astonishment to those around us but Gabe, Cass, Lucifer and Merlin each trying to maintain there look of normalcy. 

"Well... that was fun..." I muttered as I left to my room drained and tired. X and Mage helped me to my room and Mage said," I'll tell Ma that you can't do Campfire tonight."

"or anything... just make sure it's she doesn't find out what caused this... All so call Chuck Shurley, the Twins and Raphael for me," I groaned out. 


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