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"who did this file?!" the boss raged, opening a file with the wrong forms placed. the two males glanced at the papers, making taehyung's heart sink.

"it's mine!" jungkook interrupted, raising his hand up. taehyung's eyes widened, "wait," he softly said, causing jungkook to secretly pat his back quickly as in shut up.

the boss sighed, his fingers on his eyebrows as he continued to purse his lips, staring down at jungkook. taehyung suddenly felt guilty.

"jungkook-ah. i expected more from you." he said, sighing again, "get back to work. i don't want to see this again." he continued, closing the portfolio and exiting their office.

after he left, taehyung immediately asked, "why'd you take the blame? it was my file."

jungkook smiled, "i was afraid he would yell at you. i've been working here for a few years, so he wouldn't yell at me as much as he would for you. since you're a rookie, he'd be more picky about you than me. those days are over for me." he shrugged, before holding up a finger, "but, you need to learn how to do the files quickly and accurately."

"i meanㅡ thank you but you really didn't have to. i could've taken the yelling." taehyung piped, quietly.

"it's okay." jungkook said, patting his shoulders.

seeing taehyung in distress, he commented, "hey. it's not a big deal, let it go. it's alright."

"it is a big deal! i don't like others taking the blame for what i did." taehyung replied, rather harshly, cursing himself inside for sounding that way. seeing jungkook's face fall, he immediately felt guilt swallow him whole.

"i'm sorry. i thought i was helping." jungkook murmured, quietly working on his own stack of files. silence took over them, and taehyung felt guiltier by the second.

"i'm sorry." he suddenly blurted, turning red. jungkook saw his shy exterior and chuckled lightly, "it's alright. stop being like this." he said, ruffling the elder's hair.

"hey!" he pouted, fixing his messed up hair. jungkook snickered, bending back in his office hair, taking a look at taehyung.

the boss suddenly walked in, seeing jungkook laid back on his chair.

"jungkook, do your work. why are you slacking?"

he immediately sat back up, going back to work, "sorry, sir."

the boss heaved a sigh, "even taehyung is doing better now. what happened to my best worker?" he asked, crossing his arms.

jungkook cracked a smile, "i'm still here."

the boss smiled back, scoffing, "act like it."

taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, was the boss serious or not?

"taehyung. i need you to work an extra shift tonight, is that okay?" the boss said, catching him off guard.


"can i help him?" jungkook interrupted, making taehyung's eyes go wide.

"yes, jungkook. please do." the boss said, nodding approvingly.

after he left, taehyung smacked his arm lightly, "why do you always want to take the fall with me?"

"i have nothing going on at home. i am bored at home, and work is my outlet for some kind of fun." he sighed, kicking his feet together.

"wow. that's very sad." taehyung joked, causing a scowl to be sent his way.

"really? then, what do you do at home?" he asked, testing taehyung.

"my girlfriend lives with me." taehyung said, looking down at his files to write.

jungkook's heart suddenly sank, racing faster. he experienced an unfamiliar spike in his heart. girlfriend? he's... straight?

jungkook leaned his head on his arm, facing the other way, "o-oh. must be nice..." he mumbled. he heard taehyung chuckle, "yeah. do you have someone or anyone you might think you have a chance with?"

"no... not anymore." he said, whispering the last bit.

"it's okay, jungkook. you'll definitely find someone with that face of yours." he teased, making jungkook smile on his hand.

"you think i'm hot?" he teased, grinning.

taehyung gulped, his ears turning slightly pink, "that's not what i said."

jungkook smirked, noticing, "sure."

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