twenty seven

451 20 2

jungkook was confused. he and taehyung never stated that they were in a relationship, hence no labels. he was confused whether or not if they were a couple yet. suddenly, a lightbulb brightly lit up in his mind.


it had been days since the younger had been preparing this special moment. even if didn't last forever, he wanted it to. he planned to go to taehyung's house for a movie, while bringing his favorite korean snacks. he bought a fortune cookie, taking out the paper and putting his own little paper in it. it took a lot of meticulous effort yet jungkook was giddy about it. he didn't careㅡ as long as his point was across.

he then realized that he couldn't put back the cookie together, but he crushed all the other ones too, making it seem like they were all like that. he smiled to himself, satisfied with his effort.

he put everything into a bag and wore his comfiest outfit he could put together, headed to taehyung's home.

taehyung had given him a key ever since they got closer, just in case if he needed a place to stay. without even noticing, jungkook was grinning during the stroll, leading pedestrians to awkwardly question him mentally. he didn't even notice as he was too captivated in his own thoughts.

he opened the door, walking into his place to be silent. "taehyung?" he called out, softly.

he heard noises in the kitchen, leading his footsteps towards there. however, the scene before jungkook's eyes completely shattered his heart. his heart squeezed as his breath hitched. he felt cold and sick to his stomach of what he was witnessing. he let out a small gasp followed by a squeak.

a familiar female's figure was holding taehyung's face with their lips tied together. after taehyung noticed jungkook's presence, he immediately pushed away the female in front of him, losing contact of their lips. the woman snapped her head towards jungkook, looking shocked. she pursed her lips as she collected her things.

jungkook's disheartened eyes met with taehyung's guilty ones for a second. even if it was just for a split second, it was enough for jungkook to tear up. he started moving quicker to the door, despite the calls that he heard from taehyung. seolhyun heard and stopped taehyung from walking by pulling on his arm, and for once, jungkook was thankful for her.

jungkook walked back to his house, and instead of grinning happily as he was before, he was crying now with the back of his hand over the bottom half of his face, his hand clamped over his mouth. his vision was blurry from the tears, but that didn't stop him from wanting to get home as fast as possibleㅡ away from taehyung.

honk! honk! honk!

despite almost getting hit by a car, he didn't feel anything. he could only focus on the scene he saw a few seconds ago. he couldn't seem to stop crying, grabbing the attention of some passing residents.

he walked into his house, threw the bag filled with snacks on the table and went straight to the fridge. he took out his set of soju.

he flicked the cap off, starting to chug it. it burned his throat as he squirmed against the chair at the extreme taste. better than what i've dealt with.


jungkook thought he heard the doorbell ring, so he lazily got up. he walked over to the door, opening it, revealing taehyung.

the elder's eyes grew wide as he could get a whiff of the strong scent of alcohol fly into his nose.

"whataaaaare youuuu doing here?" he said, scaring taehyung a little. he dealt with drunk people in the past, however he was always very anxious of them. seeing jungkook like this, it broke him.

"how much did you drink, jungkook-ah?" taehyung asked, stepping inside, closing the door behind him.

"i-i didn'ttttt drinkk." he denied, putting up his finger, awkwardly walking back to his table. taehyung's eyes widened at the numerous empty bottles of soju which sat on the table. there were at least ten.

jungkook was about to grab another bottle when taehyung took it from him, angering jungkook.

"heyyyyy! give it back, i'm not doneeeeeee," he whined, extending his arm while opening and closing his palms.

taehyung frowned, gathering the alcohol together and moving it back into the fridge and threw out the empty glass bottles. jungkook pouted as he watched.

"i want my alcohooooooool," he sang, dramatically, holding an imaginary mic.

taehyung sighed as he plopped next to him, "i guess i'll talk to you when you're sober." he mumbled, taking a look at jungkook, whose eyes were flickering open.

"listen to me! you... you're always hurting me! why can't you just love me and only me?! you'reeeee sooooo mean to meee." jungkook yelled, slurred. then, his eyes closed as his head plopped on his arm, out cold.

taehyung's guilt started to crawl back. he took a closer look at jungkook and noticed his tear stains and faintly puffy eyes.

taehyung shut his eyes, fuck, i was the cause of that, wasn't i?

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