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"hey hyu- what's wrong?" jungkook greeted, cutting himself off, seeing taehyung walk into the office looking angry.

"my girlfriend is being so unreasonable." he muttered, taking off his bag and coat.

jungkook pursed his lips into a fine line, "right... i'm sorry, but i'm no help with those thiㅡ"

"she got mad because i didn't take her to the fucking movies, and she mentioned it this morning too! she canceled on me anyway, and i asked you instead! why is it so bothersome for her?! why is she so mad about this? it's literally nothing to get upset over!" taehyung raged, causing jungkook to put his hand over his balled fist.

"calm down," jungkook softly said, rubbing his thumb across his hand, making his balled fist to loosen its tension.

taehyung sighed, pushing his hair back, "andㅡ! i also offered to take her tomorrow, but she declined, so there's nothing for me to fix." he ranted, causing jungkook to awkwardly nod.

"i hope things will become fixed soon. i'm sorry about this, i should've went home andㅡ"

"no, stop. i wanted to take you, so it's my fault. you have no part in this, okay. i insisted." taehyung said, cutting him off. jungkook sighed, watching him ruffle his hair in frustration, "you're right about her being unreasonable, though. it's her fault that you asked someone else, so why is she getting mad for it?" jungkook said, feeling a bit teed off.

"exactly!" taehyung exclaimed, raising his hands up.

jungkook sighed, shaking his head, "whatever, let it go. let's just finish these files,"


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