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"hey, what happened yesterday? are you okay?" taehyung asked, concerned, looking over jungkook, who just seemed to be out of it again.

"yes, fine, whatever." he muttered, motioning him to go away.

taehyung sighed, rolling his chair back to his work area. seolhyun strolled in with three coffee cups. jungkook quickly glanced at it, looking back down.

"it's for you," seolhyun quietly said, placing the cup of coffee on jungkook's desk.

jungkook gulped, maybe she wasn't as bad as i thought. he piped a 'thank you,' drinking it happily. seolhyun secretly glanced at jungkook, smirking each time he took a sip. she quickly changed into a smile when taehyung turned his head.

taehyung smiled at his girlfriend, giving her a peck, "you're so thoughtful."

she grinned innocently, "i know. i love you." she cooed.

jungkook groaned lightly in disgust. can they not be so lovey dovey in front of my face?

"i love you too."

not only was it painful for jungkook to hear, but it kept deteriorating his mood.

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