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Lily's POV

Before I got to my car, I turned to see the two boys getting into a van, that looked like there were more boys in it. I turned back and hopped into the front seat of my blue slug bug. I put the keys in the ignition while Amanda hopped into the shotgun and flicks the top of the little bobble head of Harry Potter that's on the dashboard of my car. "Well..." I start. "That was interesting!" Amanda giggled while finishing my sentence. We both started cracking up before pulling out if the Panda Express parking lot. "Okay do we have everything?" I ask Amanda since she's holding the bag. "Sure ummm okay we have the Egg rolls , Potstickers, the Peppercorn Shrimp, the Orange Chicken, Mandarin Chicken, the Eggplane Tofu, and the fried rice!" Amanda said. "And... I think that's it?" She asked me. "Ummm is the white rice in there?" I asked. "Shoot! I forgot to order it I'm sorry!" She apologized eyes going wide. "Nah, it's fine. Olivia won't be to mad with you." I giggled joking. She just playfully rolled her eyes. "Hey that Asian guy who almost pushed you into the window was eyeballing you." Amanda said and winked. "Haha yea right very funny Mandy." I said and raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious! You guys would be a cute couple! Maybe we should've introduced ourselves." She said frowning. "Mandy honey, if we did they would think we were weird." "Whatever. I'm turning the radio on." Amanda hit the button of my car radio and the song "Reckless and the Brave" by All Time Low, one of my favorite bands came on. "Oh! I love this song!" I squealed. Amanda and I started shouting the lyrics at the top of our lungs, doing that to every song that the radio played that we knew till we got to my house. "Hey mom! Hey dad! I'm home!" I yelled. "Hiya other mom and dad I'm home too!" Amanda yelled after me. My parents just chuckled and shook their heads. "What are we gonna do with you girls." My dad said. "Speaking of girls, have you seen two around lately?" Amanda questioned and wiggled her eyebrow. "Olivia and Jeanelle are downstairs." My mom said. "Thanks Mommy!!" I said and me and Amanda rushed down my basement stairs. "Livie! Jello! We're back!" I screamed. "Good I'm staaaaaaaarving! What took you guys so long?" Olivia asked. "And where's the white rice?!" She complained. "Sorry I forgot to order it but be grateful I paid for all of your food." Amanda said. "There was a lot of traffic and we accidentally bumped into a couple of guys at Panda Express." I said. "The Asian one almost accidentally pushed Lily into the window and then started eyeing her haha." Amanda said. "Were they cute?" Jeanelle asked while wiggling her eyebrow. "Lily seemed to think so." Amanda said and winked at me. I blushed and glared at Amanda as Olivia and Jeanelle just laughed. "And I'm sure the blonde one seemed to like you Mandy." I shot back. Amanda just stuck her tongue out at me. "Okay guys we already set up the account. All we need to think of is a name." Olivia said. "I think the name should have the words sassy and frassy in it." Jeanelle said. "Is frassy even a word?" I asked. "I don't know, but it rhymes with sassy and that's a word." Olivia, Amanda, and I just kind of looked at each other with confused expressions but quickly shook it off. "Okay whatever but I want the word fab in it." Amanda said. "So we have the words fab, sassy, and frassy..." Olivia trailed off. After some time of thinking Amanda suddenly jumped up. "Oh! Oh! I got it! How about 'The Sassy N' Frassy Fab 4?!?!" She yelled. "Why not?" I said. "I like that! But please Mandy calm down."

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