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Calum's POV

"Hey we should hit Target to get more groceries and trash bags." Ashton grabbed his car keys from the rack. "Ugh. Fine." I sighed, throwing away my carton. "Come on, it'll be fun!" Ashton giggled, trotting towards the door. Luke and Michael obediently got up without a comment. I trudged over to the door and piled out of it. We got into Ash's old, rickety van and turned up the radio. Ashton pulled out of the driveway and drove off. "Reckless and the Brave" came on, one of my favorite songs by All Time Low. Luke and I started rocking out to it, with Michael creating the guitar noise. This was to get back at Ashton for taking us everywhere. We shouted out the lyrics and sang out the guitar parts. Ashton acted like a grumpy old man trying to shut us up. "YOU CANT CONTROL ROCK AND ROLL!" Michael would shout out the window. Luke and I would laugh uncontrollably, until Ashton parked the crap load of a van. "Okay let's go." Ashton rubbed his forehead.
Luke and I were sent off to get done groceries, while Ashton and Michael made their way to the garbage area. It was actually really odd, the two cute girls I saw earlier were in the yogurt section with a camera. I chuckled to myself as I heard the red head's laugh. It was just as cute as her. Luke had taken advantage of the timing and walking up to the yogurt section they were near. "Excuse me." Luke tried to sound husky, but failed and ended up sounding hurt. "Oh, sorry!" The dark hair girl grinned. Luke took some random yogurt brand off the top shelf. I caught a glimpse of how red and embarrassed he was of his attempt to try to act manly. I was afraid the cute red head would see and notice me, so I backed away. Luke hurried off over to me on the other side of the isle. "So you eat Greek yogurt now huh?" I chuckled. "Shut it." Luke tossed the yogurts onto the shelf next to him. "Let's go get the food Ashton told us to already." Luke pouted and walked off towards the fruit.

Lily's POV

Amanda and I turned back towards the camera after the the blonde boy we had saw earlier at Panda Express walked away. "Well I think Mandy here has a little follower." I giggled and winked at her. Amanda just laughed and blushed. "Can I just do my stupid dare now?" She asked. "Okay get to it!" I said. Amanda's dare was to mix up all the yogurts and put them all on the wrong shelves and then go to a Target employee and complain about how they were all mixed up. As she switched yogurts around and I filmed, I noticed Olivia and Jeanelle weren't guarding our cart down by the coffee creamer section anymore. "Hey, where's Jello and Livie?" I asked. "Hmmm? Oh I think they went down by the cleaning section talking to those two guys, you know, the one with the dimples and curly hair, and the one with the piercings and the neon-yellow hair." "Oh yeah haha that was funny." Olivia had picked truth in our "Truth or Dare Extreme" game and we had asked her who would she bang as her truth, her choices being the curly-haired boy and the highlighter-haired boy, and she picked the neon-haired boy. Jeanelle chose dare and we dared her to tell the yellow-haired boy Olivia would bang him if she had to choose between him and his friend. Much to Olivia's protest. "Did you see the looks on their faces oh my god I'm so glad we caught that on camera!" Amanda laughed out. "I know right!" I giggled back. "Okay! Done! Now lets go find an employee!" Amanda clapped her hands and hopped up and down. "Mmkay just calm down." I giggled. Just as I had said that, a pretty attractive boy in a Target employee shirt walked by. Before he could notice us, we quickly turned our heads towards the yogurt. Amanda suddenly whipped around with an innocent expression on her face. "Excuse me sir?" She asked politely and flashed him a flirtatious smile. "Hello m'am! What can I do for you?" The boy questioned looking Amanda up and down. "Yes I was wondering about the yogurts? They're all messed up! The Yo-Play yogurts are by the Go-Gurts and the Go-Gurts are by the Greek Yogurt! " She explained with a slight pout. I giggled quietly and backed away beforehand so he wouldn't suspect anything. The boy didn't even seem to be listening. He just seemed to be looking at Amanda's... boobs. 'Eww nosy pervert' I thought in my head. "Oh ummm I-I'll uh... I'm sorry what did you say I kind if ummm zoned out." The boy trailed his eyes back up to her face and then quickly glanced down. I snickered. Amanda made it obvious to me and the camera she knew he was looking but pretended to play dumb. "Oh my! Were you just looking at my breasts!" She looked at the boy with an angry and "shocked" expression. "Umm no! I-I..." The boy started but was cut off by loud smack to his face. Amanda humphed and walked away. "Dude you were amazing!" I squealed. Amanda checked around the corner to see if the perverted employee was still there. "Okay he's gone, and thanks!" Amanda smiled at me and the camera. Taking the camera from me and holding towards her face she said. "Alright! All of us except Lils has gone! Since she's the last one lets make this extra special." She smirked at me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Truth or Dare?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare!" I said grinning. Amanda smirked. I almost instantly regretted picking dare.

Calum's POV

After our little encounter, Luke and I had gotten some of the food Ashton requested. "Hey, they're taking an awful long time, lets just go meet them." I sighed. "Okay." Luke directed me towards the cleaning isle. We turned into it, only to find a girl with really long dark hair and a girl with half blue dyed hair talking to Ashton and Michael. "So you would do me over Ash?" Michael chuckled. "It was a truth! We are making our first YouTube video and we are playing truth or dare!" Dyed hair girl blushed. "It was my dare to tell you." The long hair girl couldn't stop giggling. "Well I'm Michael." Michael smiled. "Ashton." Ashton chuckled back. "Olivia and Jeanelle." Jeanelle grinned back. Luke and I quickly stepped in. "I'm Calum!" I laughed as Ashton pushed me to his side. "I'm Luke!" Luke followed after me. "Oh! Did you guys meet our two other friends? I think they mentioned seeing two really cute guys at Panda Express." Olivia inches closer to Michael. Luke and I shot glances at each other. "Oh Lily! Amanda!" Jeanelle waved over the cute girls we saw at Panda Express. "YOU!" Evidently "Lily" pointed at me. Oh god.

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