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Calum's POV

"That Amanda girl is hot." Luke blurted out. We were all in the big band van going to our flat. "Dibs on Olivia." Michael smirked. "Jeanelle's the most adorable little cutie ever." Ashton chuckled from the driver's seat. All the guys turned to me. "Lily's mine." Luke glared at me. "WHAT SHE'S MINE YOU HAVE AMANDA!" I protectively pulled myself closer to his face. "We knew it." Michael huffed. "You get jealous so easily." Luke laughed. "You don't like Lily, though, right?" I calmed down. "No, she's cute, but Amanda's perfect." "Okay, Lily, dibs." I nodded, taking in a breath. "Olivia's hot." Michael sighed. "What?" Ashton stopped at a stop light and turned around to face Michael. "We get to see them all in bikinis tonight." Michael looked like he could run for days and never get tired. "I need to calm down." He wiped his brow. We all started laughing, until we pulled up in the drive. "Okay the girls will text us when it's time." Ashton reminded us, getting the bags out of the backseat. Just then I get a text from Lily, her contact saying Lil with a fish emoji. I wonder why a fish? The text explained Mandy's address and the time we should get there. I sent a quick thanks and hurried off to tell the guys.
"Okay, we're here!" Ash had pulled up to a huge stone house. "Be polite guys." Ashton opened his car door and hopped out. I'm pretty sure we were all a bit nervous to see all four girls in bikinis - not knowing what to expect. Luke, Michael, and I filed out of the van with our drawstring bags over our shoulders. We followed Ash up the steps until we heard shouting and giggling coming from the backyard. Ashton rang the doorbell anyway, hoping someone was inside. Sure enough, standing in the doorway was Jeanelle. She did look pretty hot in the blue bikini she was wearing. "MANDY THE GUYS ARE HERE!" She let out a high pitched scream. Ashton chuckled and we all gathered inside.
The house was elegant, yet subtle. I was studying the house until Amanda came down the stairs with her pink bikini on. "Hi! Liv and Lil are in the backyard, if you want to go out. We'll order pizza later." She said, bustling out to the pool with Jeanelle. Luke followed and Michael eagerly ran to the back door. Ashton and I looked at each other and chuckled as we walked back outside together. Michael was already all over Olivia in her black bikini. He was pushed into the freezing pool by her, I guess he was getting too close too soon.I spotted Lily on the diving board, about to flip in. She looked absolutely hot in her orange bikini. I took off my shirt and ran up to join her on the diving board.
"Hi." I sneaked up behind her. "Hey! Watch this!" She did a double front summersault off the board and into the deep end of the inground pool. I was pretty amazed that a girl could do that. I started clapping when she came back up for a breath.

Lily's POV

Oh. My. God.

Calum looked absolutely hot shirtless.
Hot. Hot. Hot Hot.
Like a 14 on a scale of 1-10.
Like... Wow.
I was gladly surprised that he came up on the diving board with me to see me flip. All I know is that when I came up for a breath, after flipping, he was kneeling on the board, reaching out and high fiving me.
Oh lord.
Arm muscles.
Thigh muscles.
Umm oh god.
I quickly smiled off my awkwardness and swam under the water to clear my mind a bit. I had to have him come to me. Not me go to him. But man, I really liked him.
I swam up for a breath, Calum was calling my name out. "Watch this!" He sprinted down the board, jumped up, and dove with perfect form into the clear water. "Bravo!" I cheered as I pulled myself out of the pool. Calum swam over to me and pulled himself up next to me. "Thank you!" He said doing an over dramatic bow. I laughed. "Hey guys? Do you wanna order pizza now or later?" Amanda asked. "Now!" Olivia and Michael said. "Nah, maybe later." Ashton said. "Yeah we don't wanna swim on a full stomach." I agreed. "Okay let's take a vote then." Amanda said. "Who wants to order now?" Olivia, Michael, and Luke raised their hands. "And later?" Ashton, Jeanelle, Calum, and I raised our hands. "We win!" Calum teased and poked his tongue out at Olivia, Michael, and Luke. "Now hold on!" Amanda said. "I haven't voted yet, and I wanna order pizza now." She said. "Well, who do we ask now to break the tie?" I asked. "AMANDA!!!!" We heard a scream from the kitchen. Amanda smiled. "Hey Clark!" She greeted her younger brother. "What did you do with my orange amp?!" He asked her, looking pretty pissed off. "Hold on Clark calm down!" Amanda laughed. Clark looked at the boys and frowned. "Who are these guys?" He asked. "Friends." Jeanelle responded. Clark glared at Luke, who was sitting kind of close to Mandy. Even though Luke was at least two years older than him, he stilled squirmed a little nervous under his gaze, Asians can be pretty intimidating if they want to. "Anyways, where's my amp? I looked everywhere in the basement and it's nowhere!" He complained. Amanda sighed. "I let Erik borrow it, cause he's thinking of getting the same one but he heard from tons of different people that the amp was bad, but there were lots of good reviews online. He should return it later today, I mean he literally plays guitar and bass like twenty-four-seven." Amanda informed Clark. "Is Erik the bassist?" Olivia asked. "Yeah." Amanda and Clark said in unison. "Oh yeah! He's pretty cute!" Olivia added. Michael frowned. Amanda laughed. "Puberty definitely did him some good." I agreed and giggled. Calum looked at me with a weird expression. "Haha I know right!" Jeanelle added. Ashton's smile dropped. Amanda just started cracking up. "I guess that's kind of true but I still see him the way he was back in middle school!" Amanda kept laughing. "Okay please stop." Clark said. "Do you know when he'll give the amp back?" Clark asked. "Like I said before, later today!" Amanda said in a tone like she was talking to a five year old. Clark rolled his eyes. "Whatever." "Oh and Clark, do you want dinner now or later?" Amanda asked. "Now."He said and walked back inside. We all started laughing incredibly hard, except the boys. "Who's Erik?" Michael asked. "Wait, you guys play instruments?" Calum asked. "Ummm yeah we do, Mandy has a studio in her basement filled with all the instruments her and her brother play." I told Calum. "And Erik is the bass player of her old band." I added. "The drummer and guitarist went off to college so we kind of all split, but we're all still really good friends." Amanda said. "Why was your brother looking at me weirdly?" Luke asked Amanda. "Beats me." She shrugged. "Haha I bet he thinks Luke will be like all of her other boyfriends!" Jeanelle laughed. Amanda raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?" She asked. Jeanelle rolled her eyes. "Well-" "Okay can we not talk about Amanda's love life?" Luke asked. "I'm hungry." He said. "Ummm okay?" Jeanelle said and chuckled. I playfully rolled my eyes and Olivia giggled. Amanda just looked at us with raised eyebrows. "Okay anyways, I'll go get my phone and order some pizza." Amanda said. Michael and Olivia cheered. "Plus I wanna play some music too!" Amanda added and jumped off of her beach chair and started to walk inside. "Ummm I think I'll go help Mandy order some pizza." Luke said and followed after her. Michael coughed. "Whipped." He said and coughed again. Luke's face turned red and checked to see if Amanda had heard and then glared at Michael. He quickly scrambled inside. We all laughed. "So what type of instruments do you guys play?" Ashton asked. Calum looked at me. "Well, I play the piano, guitar, bass, and flute." I said. "I play the same instruments Lily plays, plus the drums and some other percussion instruments." Jeanelle said. "And I play all of those instruments too, except the flute." Olivia said. "Oh I also play banjo." She added. "Mandy can play all of the instruments we listed, and she can play violin and she can kind of play the cello." I said. "Wow you guys must really like music." Calum said. "Yup." Olivia, Jeanelle, and I said in unison. "That's so hot." Michael said looking at Olivia dreamily. She looked at him a little confused. "I-I mean ummm." His face turned red. "Never mind." "So what about you guys?" Olivia asked. "Well we're in a band together." Ashton said, looking at Jeanelle, probably wanting to see if she would be impressed or not. "Wow really?!" I said looking at Calum who smiled at me. He looked so perfect when he smiled. "Yup." Cal said. "I play bass, Ashton on drums, and Michael and Luke on guitar." He said. "That's so cool!!! We definitely need to see you guys perform later tonight!!!" Jeanelle squealed and grabbed Ashton's arm, him blushing. "Sure why not?" Ashton said smiling at Jeanelle. "Okay guys! So we ordered one large pepperoni pizza and one large cheese pizza, is that okay?" Amanda said walking back outside with her phone, Luke following her. "Yep." Everyone said. "Okay good, cause I wouldn't have taken requests anyways." Amanda said, walking over to the pool with Luke. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" Michael asked. Amanda looked at me and smirked. I laughed, already knowing what her next move would be. "Hey Luke?" She asked in an innocent tone. Olivia and Jeanelle looked at each other. "Yeah?" Luke asked smiling at Amanda, happy he had her attention. "Can you tell me if the waters cold or not?" She asked. "Wha-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence due to Amanda pushing him into the pool. He screamed like a little girl. Everybody laughed as Mandy took my wrist. "Calum come with us!" She shouted and the three of us ran to the front of her house. She quickly opened the garage door. "Okay here's the plan, we're gonna fill up some water balloons and get some water guns and attack everyone back there. I'm sure Jeanelle and Livie are making a game plan right now and-" "AMANDA!!" We heard Luke yell. Amanda quickly pulled us into the garage and tried to shut the door from the inside. "C'mon?! WHY ISNT THIS WORKING?!" Amanda shouted desperately. We then saw Luke running out front and finally spotting us. He started running to the garage. "CLOSE YOU STUPID THING!!!" Amanda pressed the close button over and over to try to make the garage close faster. It finally closed once Luke ran right in front of it. "Dammit!" We heard him say and pound the garage. We all started cracking up and Mandy flipped the light switch. "Okay, so all the supplies is in here, Calum, Lil, can you guys go barricade the door to the house so no one tries to sneak through there?" Amanda asked. "Sure!" I said and went over to some lawn chairs in the back. "Okay Cal, lets move these over by the door." I said. We quickly moved the table first in front of the door and then put some chairs around it so no one could get through. When we got back over to Mandy, she was already filling some water balloons with water and putting them in a bucket. "Hey, can you guys take these over? I'm gonna go get the water guns and fill em' up." Amanda said. Cal and I nodded and started getting to work. "So is it like this anytime you guys have pool parties?" Calum asked me. "Yeah, pretty much." I said. "We always start wars by pushing each other into the pool. Me and Mandy are usually on the same team and then, we go up against Jello and Livie." I said. "You guys are really good friends huh?" Calum asked. "Well yeah, we've known each other since middle school. We all went to different elementary schools." I said. "Middle school? Elementary school?" Calum questioned. "Oh yeah! You guys have different schooling in Australia! Wait, if you're from Australia, why do you live here?" I asked. "Oh my god Lily! You can't just ask why people live in America!" Amanda imitated Gretchen Weiners from 'Mean Girls.' Me and Calum laughed. "The boys and I decided to buy a house here in LA. We wanted to experience life in America." Calum said. "Oh." I said. There was a long silence after. Not an awkward one, but a comfortable one. The three of us worked. We then set up a bunch of long white outside tables facing the garage so when we opened the garage, we wouldn't get hit by whatever the other team was using. "Okay guys here's the plan, Lily, you need to call Clark on my phone so he can check if the coast is clear. If he doesn't want to, tell him I'll let him be in control of the studio in the basement and the TV for a month. When Clark checks the whole house to make sure no one is in there, we sneak out and hide in the living room. We'll get Clark to get a person from the other team to come to the living room, preferably Jello cause she's small, and we'll capture her and take her back here." Calum looked at Amanda like she was crazy and then looked at me. I laughed and said. "Don't worry, we do this all the time." I reassured him. "Once we capture Jeanelle, we'll make her talk. She'll tell us the other teams plan. It's easy to tell when she's lying. She crinkles her nose and snaps her fingers quietly. After we get the plan, we put Jeanelle in the middle of our maze of lawn chairs and open up the garage with everything ready. We'll first ask if the other team would like to surrender, if they don't, we fight with all our might, Jeanelle might help us and maybe we can get Clark to help too. He loves these games. Remember, if they do surrender, be careful cause they might be trying to trick us." Mandy said. "Got it?" "Yup." "Good." Lets get this party started." I said holding up my gun in the air. "For Narnia!" Amanda said doing the same. Calum laughed. Amanda glared at him. "You think this kind of stuff is funny soldier?!" She asked. "No m'am." Calum said. "That's Captain to you soldier!" She said and poked him with her water gun. I laughed. "Okay Lils, call the little monster." Amanda said. I clicked on Clark's contact name and put it on speaker phone. It rung a few times then Clark picked up. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Clark it's me, Amanda." Amanda said. "Oh hey. The pizza got here, I gave it to Olivia and Jeanelle if that's okay?" Clark asked. "Yeah that's fine." Amanda said. "Ah man we missed the food!" I groaned. "Yeah where are you guys anyways?" "Right now I can't tell you that. But all I can tell you is if you help us out here, I'll give you control over the TV and the studio for a month." Amanda said. "You guys are having another war aren't you?" He asked. "Yup." I said. You don't have to give me the TV, just the studio, cause I want in." He said. "Okay, I'll tell you the plan, Lil, Cal go get some extra guns ready and another bucket of water balloons." Amanda said. Sir, yes sir!" I said and dragged Calum over to the sink. After a while of getting some more stuff ready, we were ready to get started. "Okay, Clark will get Jello when we get settled into hiding spots in the living room. He'll meet us outside that door." She pointed to the door we barricaded. "How do you know he won't betray us?" Calum asked. "We always ask for Clark's help when he's around for the pool parties, and he never betrays us." I told him. "He'll stay loyal as long as I keep my promise about the studio." Amanda said. "Oh, okay." Calum said. "So, once Jeanelle is with Clark, he'll lock the back door so the others won't come after her. We had promised Olivia and Jeanelle we would never do something like this again, so they shouldn't suspect anything. But when they get to the living room, we all pop out and pin her down, which won't be hard to do, and we tie her hands, feet, and gag her mouth. We'll carry her back her and tie her to a chair, then we get her to speak." Amanda said. Calum still looked kind of scared. I laughed ".don't worry Cal, you'll be fine." I giggled and slipped my hand into his and watched him blush. Amanda squealed. "OTP OTP OTP!!!!!" She giggled. I laughed and blushed a little. "What does that mean?" Calum asked. "One true pairing!" She responded. ""Oh..." Calum blushed more. I laughed. "Okay let's get started!"

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